Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 22 )

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Daddy > Seokjin
Dad > Taehyung

Gynophobia > The fear of womens



"What do you want to eat today Yeonjun? Dad will make it for you"Taehyung said carrying Yeonjun in his other arm while the other was busy tapping on his laptop, "ung...ung..." Yeonjun buried his face at Taehyungs firm chest, He giggled. "right milk is the only thing you can eat for now" Taehyung said and walk towards the table to see a prepared warm bottle of milk by Seokjin who left for University, He wanted to finish his education so he could support their family too and so Taehyung was left to take care of Yeonjun while Seokjin is gone to take his special class that was requested by Taehyung.

"Oh look your Daddy made a milk for you~ better give your thanks to him later okay? you're so cute I wanna eat your cheeks" Taehyung said in his tiny voice while rubbing Yeonjuns soft cheeks, He grabs the baby bottle and head over at the balcony to give Yeonjun some sunlight.

He sat on the chair making himself comfortable, "Here ya go" Taehyung mumble as he watch his son drink the milk while he held the bottle up. He grins and tilted his head on the side watching the streets get filled by more people.

"I wonder what his doing right now?"


"f-fuck my life...fuck my education....I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND A SHIT!!!"

Seokjin yelled in the middle of the hallway, His face showed true agony, "Wow~ what a sight" Jungkook walked towards Seokjin who was crumbling into pieces knowing he was fucked for not understanding anything at the class earlier, He was clearly dozing off. "S-Shut the fuck up you gynophobia"Seokjin said glaring at Jungkook who immediately gave him a middle finger.

"Don't hurt me with real facts you fucker" Jungkook said but Seokjin chosed to ignore him and head over to his last class for the day, "anyways I gotta go" Seokjin said and wave good bye to Jungkook as he left in a hurry.

"Hello! are you a friend of Seokjin?"

Jungkook heard a mans voice behind him, He turned around to be met by a mysterious gentle looking man with thick glasses, Jungkook somehow nodded but he had a feeling that this man asking about Seokjin was dangerous.

"...Yeah why?" Jungkook asks, The man chuckle, "I know him too, I'm his brother-in-law, Kim Namjoon".




Seokjin hurriedly exit the lecture room, He was excited to go home, "I can't wait to see my husband and Yeonjun!!!!" Seokjin thought a smile appearing in his face.


Seokjin stop himself from running when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, "...oya?" Seokjin turned around to see Taehyungs half-brother, Namjoon. "oh my god...what the heck are you doing in here..." Seokjin coldly said to Namjoon, He chuckle.

"I wanted to see my brothers cute husband"

"Bitch are you hitting on me? Bitch do you see these fine diamond ring on my fourth finger? you blind?"

Namjoon laughs at how amusing Seokjins personality, He walk towards him and brought out his car keys.

"I'll give you a ride to your home"

Seokjin sigh and shakes his head, "No thanks, I'm taking the bus" Seokjin said walking ahead of him but Namjoon was to persistent that he had to grab him by his wrist.

"Come on it'll be fun"

"Fun?!? I don't even think fun is in your dictionary! you're kidnapping me!!!"

Seokjin yelled as he yank his hands away from Namjoon, He click his tongue, "I'm being nice here so at least cooperate" Namjoon said glaring at Seokjin for being too hard-headed.



Seokjin ran away from Namjoon as soon as possible, probably he was scared or annoyed that Namjoon was forcing him to get inside the car but one things for sure, Seokjin calling him an acorn was worth it.

"That disrespectful bitch..."

"f-f-f-finally...his asleep..." Taehyung quietly said, as he slowy backs away from the crib to where Yeonjun was finally asleep after he cause another insane crying mess, He closes the door quietly and turned on the baby monitor.

"*sigh*...finally peace and quie---"




Taehyung started to panic when Seokjin clings on to him and Yeonjun woke up crying again, His shoulder drops.

"Oh my god..."


This book won't end soon since...a new drama is coming up HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI ༽ ́◞ิ౪◟ิ‵༼

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