Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 4.1 )

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(continuation of Chapter 4)

( warning : contains violence )


"Seokjin? what's wrong?" Dad said placing a hand to my cheeks, I was sweating and crying, I don't know where to start. "D-Dad...please don't get mad at me..."I said, my voice trembled, I could tell Dad was worried about me and He should be because the next thing that he'll look at me is anger.

"Jin...come on...tell me...I'm your Dad"

I wipe my tears, I grip on the small envelop I had in my hand. "Dad...please don't hate me..." I said giving that small envelop with my trembling hands, Dad was confuse and open the envelop.


Dad said, his face went pale as I nodded as a reponse, "I am pregnant...I'm sorry Dad...I was being careless, I know you want me to graduate without anything that's holding me back but Dad...there is a baby inside me...even if you tell me to abo--Dad!?!" I couldn't finish what I was trying to explain when He embraced me gently while stroking my head.

( praise Jin's Dad his the truest angel among them
༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ )

" should've told me about this...there is no way I will hate you" Dad said, My lips trembled as I let out the loudest crying scream I could ever made. "DAD! I'M SO SORRY! I'M REALLY SORRY!!! I BROKE MY PROMISE TO YOU!!!" I exclaimed as I buried my face down to his shoulder, Dad rubbed my back to calm me down. "Hush's matter what happens I will always be there for you!" Dad said giving me a smile that made my heart waver in happiness, "Thanks Dad...really...thank you...".


"so...your 4 weeks pregnant huh? this life inside you is a blessing just like you" Seokjin's Dad said to him, Seokjin finally calm down after His Dad tried his best to make him feel better and now both father and son are laying down on the same bed.

"Yeah...I am...Dad your going to help me right?" Seokjin said looking at him, His Dad formed a smile. "Of course! but tell me who's the father?" He ask, Seokjin swallowed a big lump of saliva knowing that, His Dad is going to ask him about that important question.

"Its Tae--"

Seokjin was cut off when His Dad's phone rang, "Wait" He said and got from his bed, Seokjin's Dad went over to his table and gasp to see Taehyung calling him.

"C.E.O Kim! g-goodeveni---"


Seokjin jolted up from his bed the moment he saw his Dad on his knees hyperventilating, "Dad?!? hey! are you okay?" Seokjin exclaimed grabbing his Dad by the shoulder but what Seokjin saw broke his heart, His Dad was crying infront of him. "D-Dad...what did he say you?!?"Seokjin said wiping his Dads tears.


"Tell me!"

"I...I...I...was fired..."

( Next Day )


The moment Seokjin step inside the entrance of the company, He already made a scene that caught everyone's attention but he didn't give a care. "Sir! what are you doing?!?"The guard exclaimed grabbing Seokjin by his wrist but he slap it away, "Touch me and I'll gauge your eyes out"Seokjin said glaring at the guard who was now afraid to even go near him.

"Mr. Kim?"


Seokjin yelled, He turned around to see a man in a suit. "I'm Min Yoongi, The C.E.O's personal bodyguard, Mr. Kim Taehyung told me to get you" Yoongi said walking pass Seokjin, " you say" Seokjin said calming down his nerves, He almost did want to take the guard's eyes, Seokjin entered the elevator as he stood side by side with Yoongi who pressed the top floor.

"as floor is where the devil resides "

( Time Skip )

"wait here, he'll be here soon" Yoongi said opening the door to Taehyung's office. Seokjin entered his office, His jaw drop to see it so luxurious but most of the furnitures Seokjin saw was the paintings from Van Vogh and some antiques, "...just wow..." Seokjin thought and stood infront of the big window, He could literally see the whole city from up there.

"how rich is this guy..." Seokjin mumble, "rich enough to buy a plane"Seokjin flinch when he heard Taehyung's voice, He turned around to see Taehyung in his business attire while he closed the door. "Here's your coat, sorry I couldn't put it in a expensive bag" Seokjin sarcasically said giving Taehyung his coat back, "whatever" Taehyung said and snatch the paper bag from him, Seokjin gritted his teeth.

"why did you fire my dad?!?" Seokjin exclaimed stomping his way towards him, Taehyung sat on his arm chair and looked at Seokjin with a sly smirk. "His not needed anymore" His cold voice and the way he talk about Seokjin's Dad was enough for Seokjin to throw a punch at Taehyung.

Taehyung wince in pain as he felt the impact from Seokjin's strong punch, "YOU ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH! MY DAD WORKED HIS HARDEST TO GET IN TO THIS COMPANY SO HE COULD CONTINUE MY EDUCATION! AND YOU SAY HIS NOT NEEDED? YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YO---ACK!!!"Seokjin received a rather powerful punch on the stomach by Taehyung, Seokjin cough and held his stomach.

"my" Seokjin clutch on to his stomach, His anger no longer existed for now but the only thing what's on his mind is his baby.

"ack! *cough*...urgh..." Seokjin gasp for air as he felt a sudden intense pain in his stomach, Taehyung click his tongue and grab him by the hair.

"You are just like think saying what's on your mind makes you a hero? your words mean nothing to me your existence means nothi--"


Seokjin's father came bursting in through the doors as Yoongi held him back, Seokjin's Father gasp as soon as he saw his son, Seokjin fainted. "N-NO! SEOKJIN!!!" He slap Yoongi's hands away and pushed Taehyung.


"Hah! that bitch fainted right after I punc---"

"HIS PREGNANT!...His pregnant..s-so...PLEASE THE BABY"

Taehyung froze on his spot, He couldn't believe from what he just heard, " the ambulance..." Taehyung said snapping his fingers, Yoongi nodded and did what Taehyung ordered him to do.

"Seokjin....hey...hey...come on wake up..."

No matter how many times He tries to wake him, Seokjin still didn't open his eyes.


I was angry while writing this ٩(๑'^ ́๑)۶

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