Extra Story

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Jungkook came rushing towards the water as he dive in causing a big splash, it splashed Seokjin and Hoseok who could only laugh at Jungkook's excitement, "Yah! careful! hold Soyeon properly! give me those floaties" Seokjin exclaimed as he snatch the floaties from Yoongi's hands who was trying to take some shelter at the umbrella since hated the sun so much, He grabs Soyeon and made her wear the floaties, "Daddy! look! look at me!!! I CAN SWIM!!!" Yeonjun exclaimed, He was clearly showing it off to his Dad who was looking at him with a proud smile.

"Oh! that's my boy!  you're going to be a good swimmer one day!" Seokjin said as he grinned at his son with joy, Seokjin's Dad approached Seokjin from behind, He tap his shoulder causing Seokjin to turn around and look at his dad with a smile, "DAD! are you enjoying yourself?" Seokjin asked him, He stood up while he carries Soyeon in his arms, She was flapping around, pushing Seokjin away since she also wanted to dive in the water, His dad nodded as a reponse.

"I am, anyways you better go and fetch your husband" His Dad said as he gently carried Soyeon, Seokjin tilted his head to the side in confusion, "why? where's Taehyung?" He asked his dad who pointed the direction to where Taehyung is.

Seokjin turns around and could only burst in to laughter, Taehyung was hiding from the sun, He was squeezing himself at the shade using the umbrella to protect him, Taehyung saw Seokjin laughing at him, a bright smile spreads across his face but as he was about to wave his hand at him. He suddenly hissed like a vampire when his hand was exposed to the sun, "Hisss!!!" Taehyung hissed at the sun and scootched in more in the darker shade.

Seokjin held back a laugh once he was in front of his scared husband, "what's with you? HAHAHA!" Seokjin exclaimed as he sat down beside him, Taehyung's lips quivered, "...w-what's this! this was supposed to be our second honeymoon! our time together...b-but why did it become a family vacation instead" Taehyung said looking at his family members who were enjoying themselves.

"isn't it fun like this? we can enjoy ourselves together later! plus it's my first time in a vacation with the kids!" Seokjin said spreading a smile, Taehyung pursed his lips together, Seokjin was smiling brightly and He didn't want to ruin that with his childish behavior.

He pouted, "f-fine...Jungkook's not even family...Yoongi is not even family...Hoseok is not related to us...so...WHY ARE THEY HERE!!!" Taehyung exclaimed pulling Seokjin closer to him, Seokjin closed his ears together.

"Their like family! come on! learn how to have fun~ don't be such an old man" Seokjin exclaimed as Taehyung stared at him in shock, Seokjin immediately ran away from him as Taehyung tried to chase him but the moment he steps out of his hiding spot, Taehyung went back inside, "Y-YOU BETTER RUN!!!" Taehyung yelled, Seokjin giggled as he headed towards the pool and jump along with Jungkook.

"tsk...why do they have to ruin our time together"

Taehyung mumbled in anger as he remembered how his plan turned upside down.

1 week Ago

"Mr. Kim, have you decided where to spend your quality time with your husband?" Cha-Haein asked the president whose table was piled up with nothing but folders and papers, Taehyung snap out of his train of thoughts and came back to reality as soon as he heard about 'QUALITY TIME', Taehyung coughs purposely.

"....That is a great idea Ms. Cha...ever since Seokjin gave birth to Soyeon, we haven't been able to spend time together" Taehyung said as he spun the pen using his fingers, Cha-Haein chuckle, "I suggest that after the war meeting, you should start planning for it President" She said earning a nod from Taehyung who could only smile at the thought of them spending their time together, just the two of them.


"OH COOL!!! then we should definitely bring Yeonjun and Soyeon!!! I bet their bored in the house already!" Seokjin exclaimed as those words came out unexpectedly, Taehyung almost bit his tongue, "b-b-but...it's only the tw---" Taehyung was interrupted when Yeonjun came pouncing at him, He was grinning and his eyes were clearly showing how excited he was.

"REALLY DAD!?!? WHEN ARE WE LEAVING!?!?" Yeonjun exclaimed as he hugged his dad from his legs, Taehyung almost died because of Yeonjun acting cute towards him, "well...it's actually just me and your dadd---" Taehyung was once again interrupted by Soyeon who was banging her little chubby hands.


Taehyung sigh in defeat as he hugged Seokjin from behind.

"F-fine...let's all go together but it's just the four of us"


Taehyung sigh in frustration, He was once again stuck inside his and Seokjin's shared room, "fuck...I really want to spend my time with him" he sobs when all of a sudden Seokjin entered the room all wet and cold, Taehyung gulped, "oh hey honey~! it started raining all of a sudden so everyone rushed in back at their rooms...Yeonjun and Soyeon is at my dad's room...where are the towels?" Seokjin said as he removed his wet shirt to reveal his pink perky nipples and body that seems to be well-made by Aphrodite itself.

As Seokjin was searching for a towel, a shadow towered him, "Seokjinyou're so sexy" Taehyung said causing Seokjin to blush, He started to squirm, "h-h-hey...I'm pretty much wet right now s-so---UWAH!!!" when Seokjin was interrupted, Taehyung drags him at the bed.

"s-s-seriously! I told you I'm wet!!!"

Seokjin exclaimed trying to push him but the weight of Taehyung was too much for Seokjin, Taehyung giggled as his lust went over to his brain then to his crotch, lifting Seokjin's legs and placing it over his shoulder, he smirked at his lover who had a regretful expression.

"that doesn't matter...we're going to be soaked in sweat anyways"


*thunder rumbles*

"oya? did you hear something?"

Jungkook said staring outside of his window to see the heavy rain fall that interrupted their good time, Hoseok shakes his head.

"didn't hear a thing except KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!!!"

"t-that's normal right?"

Jungkook said glancing at Yoongi who was literally sun bathing in front of the A/C, he removes his goggles.

"that's normal...let's just hope there won't be a third child"

"w-wait what..."


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