Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 5 )

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"You are Kim Seokjin's father right?" The Doctor who was in charge to examine Seokjin finally came out of the room along with a nurse, His Dad nodded as a response. " is he and the baby..." He asked the doctor, "...well...your son is in a stable condition but we still have to examine him because the child inside his womb almost went into a critical condition..." He said earning a gasp from him, "oh my god...." The doctor pats his back, "Don't worry Mr. Kim your son and the baby are both safe...I'll be back for furthermore examinations...excuse me" The doctor excused himself with the nurse leaving Seokjin's Dad in peace.

"oh god...thank you...thank you....him and the baby are both safe..."

"Mr. Kim, what did the doctor say?" Yoongi ask, He was told by Taehyung to stay in the hospital until Seokjin recovers. "Seokjin is fine but the baby almost died..." He said letting out a heavy sigh, Yoongi knew Taehyung went too far but He didn't know Seokjin was pregnant.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim...but please understand that Taehyung didn't know he was carrying a baby..." Yoongi said apologizing on behalf of Taehyung, Seokjin's father scoff. "I'll only accept his apology if I hear it from him" He said while glaring at Yoongi, Yoongi sigh and nodded.

"....I'll be taking my leave now...I'll come back later"

( Time Skip )

Taehyung had his eyes closed during the ride back home, He thought of Seokjin's condition, Taehyung was unaware of it and yet his pride was holding him back from apologizing. "I wonder if the baby is okay..." Taehyung thought and dialed Yoongi's phone number.

'what's his condition'

'His stable but the baby is...still getting more examined...Kim Seokjin's father wants an apology from you so he wouldn't report you to the police'


'Taehyung! you almost killed Kim Seokjin's baby! this is not the time for you to be so prideful!!'

Taehyung hung up and drop his phone on the seat, He sigh and rub his temples, He was now having a bad headache due to today's event. "shit...I need some sleep....".


( At XXX Hospital )

"hn...mhm...AHHH!!! NO STOP!!!"

Seokjin jolted up from his bed panting and sweating, His heart beat was beating too fast as well as his breathing. "W-where am I?" Seokjin asks himself, He looked around to see the walls white until he finally realized where he was. " head hurts..." Seokjin mumble recalling his memories from earlier, He puts his hand on top of his womb as his lips begun to quiver.

"little bean...I am so was Daddy's fault..." Seokjin said talking to his unborn child, his voice trembled due to the fact that He almost got his own baby killed because of his stupidity, He wipe his tears and at the same timd the door then swung open to reveal the doctor who sigh in relief. "Mr. Seokjin! your awake! thank goodness" The doctor said entering the room followed by a nurse, "Mr. Seokjin, I have great news! your baby is now stable you both are okay" He said putting his hands over Seokjin's shoulder who let out a cry.

"oh my god...thank you..." Seokjin sobs, the doctor chuckle and left the room along with the nurse who gave Seokjin some freshly cut apples. "*sigh*...that bastard...He almost killed his own baby..." Seokjin mumble as he tried to get out from the bed but his head was still throbbing from pain.

"....not good...I need more rest..."He mumble and lie back down, Seokjin click his tongue. "as I thought...his bad news to me and little bean..."He mumble as he felt  getting drowsy more and more.

Soon enough, Seokjin fell asleep as his hands were on top of his womb it was as if he was already holding his babies tiny little hands.


( 5  :  30  p.m  )

"room 305...."

Taehyung stood infront of Seokjin's room to where he was placed in, His hands were full of presents but most of them were fruits and branded clothes. Taehyung opens the door to see it dark and a sleeping Seokjin who was breathing quietly, "hmph..."Taehyung place the paper bags down and walk towards Seokjin, His eyes landed on his stomach.

"is there really a baby in there?" He thought rubbing his hands to Seokjin's stomach, Taehyung himself wasn't so sure and it was hard to believe that there are really men that can get pregnant, It was his first time to see one.

"oh look it's the devil"

Taehyung immediately back away as soon as he heard Seokjin's voice, "..."Taehyung couldn't utter a word and watch as Seokjin sat up from his bed while his hand was on his stomach, "What the fuck are you doing in here?" Seokjin said crossing his arms, Taehyung click his tongue.

"...I came here to apolog---"


Seokjin yelled throwing a pillow at him, Taehyung caught it by his hands. "STOP BEING STUBBORN! AND ACCEPT MY APOLOGY DAMN IT!" Taehyung yelled back, His voice became deep. Seokjin click his tongue when all of a sudden an idea came in to his head, "...Fine! I'll accept your apology only if you let my Dad work in your company again!" Seokjin exclaimed, Taehyung scoff and was somewhat amuse by how Seokjin was acting.

Taehyung thought of it for awhile before proceeding to his original plan, "I accept" Taehyung said, it felt like another heavy weight was removed from Seokjin's shoulder when Taehyung agreed to it.

"But...only if you agreed to marry me"


"Yes, I'll let your Dad work at my company again if you agree to marry me...I have the money, I can support you and your baby" Taehyung said arrogantly and that's what pisses Seokjin the most, He acts as if his above more than everyone else. "...y-you're crazy..." Seokjin said clenching both of his fist together, Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Think about it, it's a good offer...I'll give you one day"

Taehyung said, He stood up from his seat and opens the door only to meet Jungkook who stood there in shock, Taehyung and Jungkook made eye contact but Taehyung only glared at him and walk away.

"that the father of your child!" Jungkook exclaimed enterting the room, Seokjin had his head down as he nodded. "Yeah...he is....", Jungkook looked around and was shocked to see branded clothes on the floor, "oh man holy shit! are these gucci?!? I bet that guy puts money in his bathtub and swims around it"Jungkook said checking it out, Seokjin sigh.

"...but hey...I heard what happened...are you okay?" Jungkook said sitting across the bed, Seokjin lets out a heavy sigh. "Physically? Yes, Mentally? Fucking No" Seokjin said rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Are you going to say yes?...the guys rich he can provide you anything but I don't think it's going to end well with the both of guys are already biting each others head off" Jungkook said, Seokjin rub his womb.

"....I'll do anything for my baby and for my dad....even if it means keeping it a secret from Taehyung that his the real....Father..."

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