Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 23 )

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"I suppose you got something to say to me mother?" Namjoon said as he sat down on his seat glancing at his frustrated mother who was biting her finger nails, She growled and glared at her son, "You are not doing this as planned!!!  that child will be the end of everything! if we don't do something their son will be the next heir to your fathers company!!!"She yelled banging her hands at Namjoons desk, He chuckle and rub his chin.

"Well~ the first plan to kidnap Seokjin was a failure because he ran away, what was I supposed to do then? chase him? until I get arrested" Namjoon said laughing at his own mothers stupid plan, She gritted her teeth and threw a book to Namjoon who caught it in one hand.

"YOU ARE THE FIRST SON OF YOUR FATHER NOT THAT SCUMBAG!!!! AND YOU DARE TO COMPLAIN WHILE I TRY MY BEST TO GIVE THAT COMPANY TO YOU!!!" His mother yelled at him, Her anger rised when Namjoon couldn't help it but roll his eyes and walk pass her.

"I'll go along with your plan but I'll do it my own way..."

Namjoon said to his mother before leaving the room with a scowl look in his face.


Seokjin yawns and stretches his arms due to another exhausting day from the university, Yesterday was a rather hectic day for him, meeting Namjoon in that kind of place made him paranoid. He didn't keep it as a secret because Seokjin knew that once you are in a commited relationship you should always tell the truth or else it would only create a big wall between them and as for Taehyung, He got furious after hearing what happened to him and so he decided that he will have to drop him off to his university and fetch him right after his classes are all done, He even has his own copy of Seokjins class schedule. It was an arrangement that Seokjin agreed easily, "Jin, if you're tired you should rest already" Taehyung said as he washed the dishes, Seokjin shakes his head. "No, I'm good...I just need to finish this presentation and I'm off to sleep" Seokjin replied with a cheerful voice, Taehyung chuckle and spread a smile.

"Okay then...come on Yeonjun it's time for bed~"

"Honey his already asleep hahahaha"

Seokjin said pointing at the baby monitor that was beside his laptop, "Oh right, thanks for putting him off to sleep~" Taehyung said and sat down beside Seokjin on the floor before giving him smoochies on the cheeks, Seokjin giggles. "It's the least I can've been taking care of him pretty good~" Seokjin said laying his head against Taehyungs shoulder, He grabs Seokjins hands and squeezes them gently. "I wanted to be a good father to Yeonjun and a good husband to you..."Taehyung said and pulled Seokjins whole body as he let him sit on top of his lap while facing each other.

Seokjin blushed, "we should be careful or else Yeonjun might get a sibling" Seokjin said before wrapping his arms around Taehyungs neck as he lets him nibble on his chest leaving kiss marks, Taehyung smirk and gaze at Seokjin with seductive eyes.

"I can't promise you that though~"

"Wha--?!? YOU!!"

"you're so beautiful Jin~"


"urgh...what have you done to my butt you sex crazed monster"

Seokjin said but his words became muffled due to him laying down on his chest, His face was buried in the pillow, Taehyung only hummed while changing Yeonjuns diapers. "But I was careful right?"Taehyung said with a sly smile, Seokjin glared at him. "....tsk...I forgive you because I love you...hmph! stupid tae!"Seokjin exclaimed and got up from the bed, Taehyung handed Yeonjun to Seokjin so he could feed him with his breakfast.

"I'll have Dad take care of Yeon---"

"Nope~ I'll be taking him to the company, I wanted everyone to see how cute my son is"He said while putting on his necktie, Seokjin was somehow surprised by it but he ended up loving the idea. "Oh! how cool! well then Yeonie you'll be with your Dad the entire day again~" Seokjin said nibbling his soft cheeks with his nose, Yeonjun made cute noises while tugging on to Seokjins chest area.


Yeonjun tried to suck on to Seokjins nipples hoping a single drop of milk would come out of it, Seokjin laughs and lifted Yeonjun up. "Sweetie, I can't breastfeed you remember?" Seokjin said smiling at his son who was trying to reach it, Taehyung giggled and gently grabs Yeonjun.

"You can't Yeon, it's mine"

"M-MINE?!?" Seokjin exclaimed, His face heated up but Taehyung only laugh, "Yes~ it's mine only" Taehyung said and grabs him by the wrist and pulled him into a hug, Seokjin rolls his eyes. "my nipples are mine stupid Tae!" Seokjin exclaimed as he gave him a light punch, Taehyung pretended to be hurt as if Seokjins punch was too strong.

Yeonjun stared at them with a confuse expression but he only minded his own business by sucking on his thumbs, Seokjin burst into laughter before giving Yeonjun a kiss on the cheek while Taehyung received a kiss on the lips.

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