Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 20 )

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Standing still with no thoughts at all but my heart clenches everytime I see him laying down on the bed with his eyes closed, it looks like he could wake up any time soon without having any problems but Seokjin falling into a coma after giving birth made me scared and worry.

Spring was about to end, and yet here he is, "Seokjin...the nurse said that our baby came out healthy..." Talking alone was awkward at the beginning, but as time passes by I got used to it, I still hope Seokjin would wake up before spring ends.


"look, there's Daddy~"

The nurse who held my son pointed at me, He looked at me as if he can see me already, I stood there wondering how can this tiny creature came from Seokjin? With a gentle smile that I spread, He giggled with joy. "I wish Seokjin can see this already...I want him to be the one to name him..." I thought while waving my hands at him, I had thoughts about thinking what should I do after Seokjin wakes up, I sometimes scare myself whether I can be a good father or not just the thought of it makes me frown.

"...his adorable isn't he?" Father-in-law said when I notice that he was carrying a plastic filled with take-out food, I chuckle and nodded. "Yeah...He is..." I said looking at my son who yawn adorably  melted my heart, "...any changes?" He asked with a sad voice, I frown and shake my head.

" might take weeks for Seokjin to recover...they said that one of the reason why he went into coma was because of high blood and shock..."

I glance at Father-in-law who kept a blank expression, "Seokjin will wake up soon....I can feel it..." He said with confidence and somehow it gave me a lot of hope to believe on that despite of the fact that Seokjins almost died after giving birth to our son, it still scares me everyday, I stay with him inside the room, watching him, I was afraid to fall asleep thinking that I'd find him dead the next day.

"Me too too..."



I slowly open my eyes, a womans voice was calling out my name, a unique voice so gentle and kind it makes me want to listen to her talk without complaining. "Are you awake now Seokjin?" The woman in a white clothing said, Her smile reminded me of someone, I sat up finding myself that I was lying on the ground surrounded by beautiful white roses.

That's when it hit me, "AM I DEAD?!?" I exclaimed while pointing at myself, The woman stared at me in confusion before bursting into laughter, "HAHAHAHA!!! No! No! HAHAHA! you're not dead Seokjin! you're just lost"She continued to laugh until she fell on the ground while rolling, I looked at her as if she was some another crazy woman in my dreams that I used to have when I was a kid.

"Hey stob it! who are you anyway?!?" I exclaimed when all of a sudden she stood up and spread her arms open, that familiar arrogant smile somehow pisses me off.


"Yep I'm dead"

I begun to walk away with a deadpan face, If she did say I was lost then I'd rather find my way back by myself rather than listening to her bullshit. "W-WAIT!!! I AM AN ANGEL!!!" IT'S TRUE!!!" She exclaimed blocking my path, I sigh and raise a brow.

I pointed my fingers at her, "Then where's your wings?" I said with a suspicious expression, She giggled. "I don't have one!!! but like I said this angel here will help you!!!"She said pointing at herself with a confident smile, What she says makes me think that it's all nonesense, if this is a dream, why is it so vivid though.

I decided to trust her words, "Fine, show me the way angel" I sarcastically said but when I mentioned the word 'Angel'  She immediately give me a thumbs up, "Sure! leave it to me! but as we walk through the white path, never let go of my hands okay?" She said offering me her hand, I hesitated to hold her hands, but my it felt like my conscience was telling me to take it and trust her.

"It'll be a boring journey but this is the only thing we can do"

I chuckle, "With you being so talkative I don't think it'll be a boring journey at all".


"Oh my! he went from a jerk to a sweet kind of jerk!!!"

"HE DID!!! the first time we met he was so mean and He thinks that his above everyone else but now...his different and someone better...." I said while forming a smile, I felt her stop, I look up to see her with a smile, a smile that looks like she was relieved and happy. "I see...and here I thought I failed him as a mother...." She said making me gasp and stared at her wide eye, "M-Mother?!?"I exclaimed when all of a sudden a white door appeared infront of me, She opened the door wide, I saw myself lying down on the bed unconcious with Taehyung on my side while he talks to me with tons of stories.

"Seokjinsshi...Thank you for everything...I had a lot of fun during our time together...."

She smiled at me gently, the door slowly closed.


"Please continue to love my son...."

When the door closed, seeing her bow to me, I knew that was the last time I'll be seeing her, I slowly begun to feel light headed as my vision became a blur.

All I wanted was to come back to see my family, friends, Taehyung and my child...

"I will love him forever...until our time ends...."



"Honey, today our son was crying...He wanted me to hold him but...I couldn't because I want you to be the first to carry him...I bet you'd be happy to hear that you're the first between us to carry our son..."

2 weeks, Seokjin was still in coma, 2 weeks, I stayed with him day and night without leaving his side. I pray for him to wake up, I pray that an angel would guide him back to me, I miss him so much I think I've gone crazy.

"Honey...I love yo--- huh?..."

When I held Seokjins hands, I felt it twitch, that's when I saw him opening his eyes, a smile forming in his lips.


I gasp and immediately stood up as the chair I sat on fell backwards, "w-wait h-here!!! NURSE!!! HIS AWAKE!!!" I stumble on my feet as I tried to find a nurse nearby.

While I ran, tears started to form in my eyes, thanking the heavens for this and thanking that Seokjin woke up before spring could end.


NOT YET!!!!!༽ ́◞ิ౪◟ิ‵༼

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