Chapter Three

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Let It Burn-Chapter Three

Dan moved his heavy feet, maybe if he got into bed he could just lay down and it would disappear. He dragged his feet to his room, his eyes heavy as he grabbed out for his bed. Sighing, he rubbed his eyes and crawled into his bed. He grabbed a blanket as he shook under it looking out at the darkness. "I feel powerful the more I feed off of your fears Daniel" Dan stilled "you liar!" He shouted "you said you'd be back tomorrow" the voice giggled "oh honey it is tomorrow" Dan craned his neck to his glowing clock 5:30 am. Dan let out a cry "just leave me alone" he tried shouting out only to feel like he was being choked. His throat began to burn making the smoke return. "S-stop" he began to lose consciousness. "No can do Danny" the voice shouted, making Dan groan under its pressure. His phone began to vibrate louder as the minutes passed. "What did you do?" Dan growled reaching for his phone. The vibrate became a scream now as Dan held his phone. "Answer it" spoke the intrusive voice. Dan shook his head "I'm not stupid. I won't answer it." The voice hummed "even if it was that male you met on the run earlier?" Dan bit his lip "you told me he wasn't real. You're messing with my head." The darkness giggled "yet you're inviting me to do it. Don't you want to hear him again?" Dan cringed "no leave me alone" he remained quiet afterwards. Dan bit his lip until it bled out it's metallic poison.

"Don't you want to hear my voice Dan?" The voice flickered from angry to sad. "W-why?" Dan asked "don't you want to see me?" Dan closed his eyes "you died. You're not real. You were once. I've tried to move on okay!" Dan shouted as the voice of his friend raged on. "Your sadness is being held back, you should let it out." The voice spoke soothingly. "You're taunting me to make me think that you're still here and that you didn't just leave me for another person. I can't not care about you alright! You'll always have a place in my heart but if I move on you have to as well. So please, just leave me to be myself." The voice wavered "very well then." Dan sighed as the voice faded "bye Daniel" Dan frowned "farewell old friend"

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