Chapter Nineteen

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Let It Burn-Chapter Nineteen 

Dan closed his eyes and Phil's heartbeat stopped. Dan felt his throat close up as a scream was sheathed. He tried to thrash but laid paralyzed by his own deception of himself. "So you think everything will just float away now that you rushed to settle down with that boy? You sure are kinda dumb. Just because he's back doesn't mean I'll fade away. That's not how this works Daniel." Dan gritted his teeth "get-" his throat began to close up and his head filled with darkness. "You think that you can escape your problems? How adorable I must say." Dan spoke in a raspy voice "I'm not afraid of you" he pushed his voice out of his mouth. "Then why do you need Phil? Answer that Daniel, what does he do that makes you happy?" Dan tried to speak but it became muffled as his throat wouldn't allow words to pass. Dan let out a bloodcurdling scream that was muffled as if his mouth was being locked. That woke Phil as he opened his pale eyes, his hands skimming over Dan's arm. "Dan, are you okay?" Dan couldn't respond in words so he continued to let out muffled screams that were making his throat rough. His eyes refusing to open and body glued into place. Phil searched for his phone when he couldn't find it he shouted to Siri. "Siri, call PJ!" Phil spoke urgently, feeling uneasy with every long ring. "Phil, it's two am. What's wrong" Phil swallowed, turning back to Dan to look down at him. "Dan is stuck in his nightmare." PJ remained quiet "what is he doing?" He asked after a minute "nothing. He can't move. He can't talk. He can't even open his eyes. He keeps letting out screams though. But his mouth is shut and isn't opening anytime soon." PJ nodded "do not under any circumstance wake him. If he is under stress he could attack you, unintentionally." Phil bit his lip "so what do I do?" PJ sighed "he has to get out of it himself sadly there's not much you can do" Phil nodded slowly "okay, thank you PJ" Phil waited for PJ to end the call. Phil frowned as he stayed next to Dan remaining still. 

The silence in the air was cut deeply as Dan gasped. His lungs filled with air as he gulped it in "Dan!" Phil shouted his voice fragile. "P-Phil, it happened. It happened again." Dan began to cry salty tears that pooled down from his sandy eyes. "What did Dan?" Phil asked snaking his hand into Dan's shaky one. "The voice. The darkness. It won't leave. It said if I wasn't scared I wouldn't need you." Phil bit his lip "it's okay Dan, we'll stick together. It's always been Dan and Phil and it won't ever change." Dan nodded, wiping up his tear stained tinted cheeks. 

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