Chapter Twenty-Five

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Let It Burn- Chapter Twenty- Five

Phil sat defeated as he glanced at Dan who was sobbing against his knees as he rocked back and forth. "Dan, I don't know how to calm you down or help the voices dull, I'm so sorry" Dan latched his teeth onto his sleeve biting at it. "Dan, no" Phil crawled over to the hazel eyed boy. Dan scurried backwards, falling on to his back. He cried out in pain. "Why won't you leave me alone!" He shouted his eyes burning intensely as his throat released screams. Phil had no idea what to do, he let tears slip from his baby blue eyes. "Dan, stay with me. Count to ten with me" Phil spoke with a raggedy breath. Dan continued to scream unaware of anyone's presence. "I-I'll go get help" Phil jumped up and ran to find a doctor as Dan got louder. 

Phil ran into the receptionist at the front table. "Dan" Phil let out a shaky breath "he- he is going mad" the receptionist nodded "how so Mr. Lester?" Phil let the words tumble out "he won't stop screaming he keeps getting louder." Phil let the tears trail down his pale cheeks. "Romeo, to room 204, Romeo you're needed in 204" The receptionist frowned "I'm very sorry. Dan appears to be under acute stress." Phil raked his hand through his hair as he mentally prepared himself. 

"What is it?" Presumably Romeo asked as he rounded the corner. "Panic attack in room 204 under lots of stress. Keeps screaming louder." Romeo nodded "Ah Mr. Lester how are you?" Phil crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes into slits. "How do you think?" He let out a low growl. "My fiance is screaming and I can't seem to help him" Dr. Romeo nodded "alright uh, you can come or stay in the waiting room your choice" Phil ran his hand down his face. He followed behind the doctor "this seems inappropriate but we'll have to remove Mr. Howell from the hospital. He might get complaints from other patients." Phil rolled his eyes "just help me get him back to normal!" Phil now yelled "it's not- '' Phil stopped the doctor standing in front of him with furrowed eyes. "My fiance is screaming in pain on the floor scared and unsure how to do anything. He has daily panic attacks. He can't go a day without letting his consciousness blow him over so if you want to do your job poorly then go ahead but for the love of everything good if you're going to be a complete jerk save Dan before he gets too far in his head." Phil demanded "I-I'll try" Romeo nodded clearly frightened of Phil now. Phil walked back into the room to see Dan under the bed screaming. "Just l-leave" he cried into his knees. "Dan the doctor is going to help-" Dan shook his head and crawled out from under the bed. He used his legs running past the two "I don't need help" he cried running down the narrow halls unsure of where he was headed. 

The doctor pulled out his phone "get that boy!" He shouted into the phone watching as people in white suits chased Dan down. "Stop" Phil warned "why?" The doctor asked "if you provoke him he will get very violent and you don't want to see that. So stop those doctors before they get hurt. Please." The doctor rolled his eyes "why is he not getting assistance? He's in a hospital but we can't do much. You'd have to take him to a professional." Phil shook his head "Dan is terrified of getting help. He thinks asking for help makes him weak." Romeo shrugged "this is just my opinion but he might need therapy" Phil remained silent as he left Romeo in the room. Phil ran to catch up with Dan who was running up the stairs. Phil's breath caught in his throat. "The rooftop" he cursed to himself following after Dan. 

*Trigger warning start*

Dan got to the top and overlooked the town. His hair whipped him in the face as harsh as a blade. "Dan, please no! Don't listen to them! You don't want to do that. Please come back downstairs and we can talk." Phil walked cautiously near Dan. "So you can take me somewhere I can be called unstable. I think not Phil. Wasn't it you who said you could smell the freedom from high up. Wasn't it you who said I was showing true bravery? What changed Phil?" Dan asked his back facing Phil. "Bravery shouldn't get you this close to what you want to do. Dan please come down." Phil tried to not let the fear get to him. "But Phil you're conquering one of your worst fears" Dan mocked letting the wind blow him forward an inch or so. "Dan please, I am scared for you okay. I want to let you get better-" Dan laughed "there's that pity Lester. You are no better than the rest of humanity trying to throw me in a cell, what am I a deranged animal?" Phil frowned "I will admit Dan you can be scary at times. I don't want to be scared of you. I want to see the real smile on your face, not the sickly sweet fake one." Dan rolled his eyes "am I not the same person you fell for Philip?" Dan asked his voice a hiss. Phil thought for a moment "I've loved you since the day I met you. People can change Dan. That's okay to change. It's okay to let go some. But please let me get my happiness and come down so we can go home. That's where we can go and I promise I'll make it so I'm not strangling you with my words." Dan sighed "why are you doing this Phil? You're playing with fire." Dan crossed his arms, his voice careless. "I like fire Dan." Phil replied, reaching for Dan's hand. Dan shrugged it a way. "I am that fire. I burn and hurt people." Phil grabbed Dan's hand "then let me be part of your fire Dan" the hazel eyed boy unlatched his hand from Phil's. "It's no use now Phil." Dan hopped down onto the rooftop pushing past Phil and back down the stairwell. 

*end of trigger warning*

"It is Dan, you make me do crazy things. If you're the fire I want to be the start of it. I want to be with you. I don't want to hurt you." Dan rolled his eyes and skipped down the stairwell leaving Phil on the rooftop alone.

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