Chapter Twenty-Three

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Let It Burn- Chapter Twenty-Three 

Phil yawned opening his pale blue eyes, he looked down and smiled at the boy who was laid out on his chest. Dan was still soundly sleeping against Phil. His breathing was normal and a smile glued on his face. He let out a muffled sound turning his face into Phil's chest "mm I love you too" he spoke slurred before falling into silence again. Phil held in a giggle that bubbled in his throat. Dan continued to talk in slurred words for three minutes. Phil saw it as being humorous and decided to have a conversation with the sleeping male. 

"Dannn" Phil cooed making Dan stir "not now" Dan pouted "do you love me?" Phil waited for an answer "I mean I guess." Dan slipped a small giggle through his mouth. "I'm offended Daniel" Phil giggled as Dan began to get up. "Should've thought about that before ya married me Phillll'' Dan slurred falling on Phil which woke him up. "Ouch" Dan cried opening his eyes "Phil what are you doing it's daylight!" Dan jumped to his feet. "Are you secretly a vampire Daniel?" Phil giggled. Dan rolled his eyes "I don't get high pheromones from drinking blood Phil. I'm not a vampire" he giggled waiting for Phil to get up. "But still we need to go it's daylight and I want to go lounge around" Dan started to head out. "Wait!" Phil used his long legs to chase after Dan. "Don't forget about me" Dan jiggled the door knob "uh Phil it's locked. Hand me the key." Phil blushed and looked down at his feet "about that. It fell out of my pocket when I was on the ledge." Dan looked defeated as he turned to Phil. "We're stuck up here!" He cried out into his hands. "Not necessarily, I think I have a bobby pin or two in my pocket." Phil moved his hand into the deep depths of his pocket pulling out in fact two bobby pins. He placed one at the bottom of the key hole and curved the second one into a V. He jiggled it and watched the unused bobby pin spin. The door clicked and Dan shouted for joy. "You genius!" Dan kissed Phil, shoving him against the door. His lips traveling on Phil's sending fireworks shooting through him. Dan grabbed Phil and rushed him inside both boys not daring to break the heavy kiss. Dan felt his throat act up and he shoved Phil away. "J-just stay." He demanded shivering as he ate up the air. "Dan" Phil called out concerned. Dan swayed and collapsed to his knees and to the floor. "Dan!" Phil ran over to the younger boy. He called an ambulance and watched as Dan got wheeled away unconscious on a gurney. "Are you coming or not" spoke a voice beside Phil. Phil frowned looking at the EMT. "I'll come with" he looked down at Dan's now ice cold to the touch body. 

*at the hospital*

"Patient with what appears to be having a panic attack" explained an emergency medical technician. "Don't stand there! Get him to a room!" Shouted the receptionist looking at Dan's snow white skin. Phil bit down on his nonexistent nail beds as he paced the waiting room. 

The gurney was driven into an empty room. Dan woke up, his eyes felt on fire and the room began to close in. "w-why am I in a hospital-again" he gritted his teeth. "Panic attack Dan." Spoke a taller male in a white suit. Dan attempted to back up but cried out when his body ached. 

"B-but P-Phil-" the doctor nodded "Phil did not know until now. Daniel you appear to be suffering a panic attack." Dan glared at the doctors "this happens all the time." He spoke lowly. "Dan that's not-" Dan laughed "I know it's not good doctor! Unless you want me to lash out you might need to remain calm around me." Dan warned his eyes burning into the doctors. "Dan what is causing-" Dan propped himself up on the bed he was now sat on. "Nothing. It's absolutely nothing for your concern." Dan looked at the pale walls blowing the steam that fell from his mouth. The male doctor turned to the shorter female doctor "Lana go get Mr. Lester." The male doctor kept his cool gaze on Dan. "Now Dan-" Dan cut him off "I don't owe you an explanation doctor!" Dan argued like a child. The doctor nodded and sat in his chair waiting for Lana to bring Phil in. Dan froze when he saw Phil. "What part of stay didn't you get Phil" Phil didn't respond as he focused on Dan's hands. They were twitching rapidly "you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think Dan" Phil glanced down at Dan's hands before looking up at his face. Dan twitched "s-stop" he growled out snapping at Phil. Phil sat down in a chair next to Dan he slowly held Dan's hand. "S-stop" Dan tried again. Phil glanced at Dan holding eye contact with him. "You're never trapped there's always hope Dan." Phil watched as Dan stopped twitching. "Phil!" He cried out, his eyes becoming sad as tears threatened to fall. Phil stood up and held Dan in a warm hug. "It'll get better Dan." Phil rubbed the boy's head as he let out soft cries against Phil's hoodie.

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