Chapter Zero - Thoughts...

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It was that goddamn octopus that started this whole thing.

You know, I would've been okay with E-Class. Sure, it's filled with weird people and it's only for those who fail hard, but I'm a silent and stoic guy. I should be able to handle this.

But no. This yellow octopus must come in and make things much more interesting. The fact that he has the nerve to teach a class of low-lying students and blow up the Earth next year is just... I don't know how to feel about this if I'm being honest with myself.

And I don't know how I feel about being around Hayami more often now. Not that I don't like her or anything. I mean, she's a girl who is just like me: composed, silent, and stoic. It's just that, now that she and I are E-Class's best pair of snipers, everyone thinks that we're dating.

Just a note: WE AREN'T A COUPLE!

She and I are just good friends. We've hung out a few times (yes, there is such thing as hanging out with a girl who's your friend and it's not considered a date.)

I guess, in the grand scheme of things, you could call those dates, but those all ended too awkwardly. And besides, I bet she doesn't feel like getting into a relationship.

...Yet, I feel very conflicted.

I mean, do I like her? As I said earlier, Yes. Do I "like like" her... I don't think so?

I honestly don't know.

Karma and Rio are going to be after my ass if I ever have genuine feelings for Hayami. I swear if they do...


If I'm being completely honest, I respect Chiba.

However, I don't respect anyone who thinks that Chiba and I are a "thing."

He and I may be similar in personality and that we are both the best pair of snipers in E-Class, but we sure as hell ain't a couple! Sure, we hung out, but those were quite awkward. However, as I said earlier, I totally respect and like him.

Now that he and I interact more due to Korosensei changing the fabric of our class' culture, I feel as though more people will be clamouring for Chiba and me to become a couple.

I mean, they don't genuinely ship us, right?


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