Chapter 9 - The Final Coundown

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As everyone returned to the Cauldron, Korosensei stuffed them back in the giant bag and flew them back to Japan.

Rio and Karma barely looked at each other on the trip home, Sugino and Kanzaki were still eating donuts, and Nagisa and Kayano looked onto the horizon.

Chiba and Hayami barely talked to each other because of what happened back there. Not that they were upset about what happened, but they didn't know how to talk about it. Chiba tried to initiate a conversation but retracted as he saw her face.

When they reached Japan, it was about a minute left until the end of school. Just in time! Korosensei let the students off a little early.

But little did the two parties know that today would be the last time they see each other for a while.


That evening, the octopus was all alone in the school, editing the yearbooks and making a few adjustments. Karasuma decided to leave a bit early after he was asked to talk about Bitch-Sensei and their love life.

But in reality...

Karasuma left because he was about to give orders to initiate the government's endgame strategy.

When he gave the order to initiate the plan, a man-made structure from all the way in outer space shot a gigantic laser down towards the school.

The man-made structure was revealed to be the Spear of Heaven.

It was constructed by the government for use to eliminate Korosensei without causing significant infrastructure damage. The laser itself isn't harmful to humans, but it is to the octopus.

Although it fired successfully, the damage done to its target wasn't too major. A few bruises and missing tentacles, that's all.

The government was noticeably caught off-guard by this

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The government was noticeably caught off-guard by this. However, they went ahead with Plan B of their endgame strategy.

Machines from around the city fired more lasers around the mountain housing the E-Class building. It surrounded the area and made an anti-Korosensei barrier, from top to bottom. It even went as far as underground.

With the octopus trapped, he admitted defeat and waited for the next laser to strike, which was approximately a week from now.

Back at the city, everyone wondered what was happening from up on that mountain. This included Class 3-E, who became concerned.

Korosensei was no longer a state secret. Now, all of Japan knew what he was: a monster with no remorse.

But that was a twisted tale, wasn't it?

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