Chapter 18 - Akabane's Problem

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So, as we established in the last chapter, it looks like Chiba and Hayami's next date will be at the Tokyo Skytree Cat Café. Now, Chiba is fine around cats and it's already known that he likes them.

But, as for his girlfriend, if you place a cat in a 100m radius, she'll literally go bonkers. Chiba should feel like he's in danger, but no. He actually took the time to prepare for this. To do so, he wrote down all the possible scenarios on some paper.


- she dies of cuteness immediately and goes absolute mad
- she dies of cuteness immediately and goes bonkers and accidentally burns down the café
- she dies of cuteness and hands me a bunch of cats and immediately takes it from me
- she dies and does not recover; heads into heaven

A day before the date, Chiba decided to tell Kanzaki about all this as they both played some rounds in an online war game.

"Wait, why do all of those scenarios involve her dying of cuteness?" Kanzaki asked. "I mean, I love cats, but I don't go too crazy. Is she really that crazy?"

"Yeah," Chiba replied. "She's that mad around cats. I just wrote these down to get myself prepared. I should really ask som- KANZAKI, THERE'S A GUY BEHIND YOU!"

Luckily, Kanzaki managed to take the enemy player with ease.

"So, you were saying?" Kanzaki asked again. "You needed help consulting someone?"

"Yup, someone who could help me stay chill under pressure. You have anyone in mind, Kanzaki?" Chiba said as he made his in-game character heal up.

"I mean, I would ask you because you're so stoic in nature." She answered back. "However, since this concerns you, ask Karma! He was pretty chill when I was in his Kyoto trip group."

Oh right. Karma Akabane. Why didn't he think this? Chiba literally hung out with him a couple of times and he remained pretty calm when Chiba got furious at him.

If anything, Karma should be the person to study from.

After a few rounds, Chiba left the game to prepare for tomorrow's date.

He sat down on the floor and began to think. With his phone on the ground, he was questioning whether or not to call Karma up for help.

He thought long and hard...

And then, Chiba had decided.

"Yeah, Karma would help."

As he reached the phone, it began to ring. Chiba looked at the number and-


"KARMA?!" Chiba exclaimed. "WHY IS HE CALLING ME?"

He answered the phone and they both began to talk.

Chiba: "Uh, Karma? Why did you call?"

Karma: "Oh yeah, hi. I was just wondering if you're available right now. I need to talk about something..."

Chiba: "Uh, you okay?"

Karma: "Oh yeah, I'm fine..."

Karma suddenly began to trail off and immediately hung up. This had made the Emo Marksman quite concerned.

"Do I really need to solve another problem like Nakamura?" Chiba groaned in his head.

Oh well, no choice to back out now.


To make the trip to Karma's home quick, Chiba decided to parkour there.

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