Chapter 19 - Train to Tokyo Skytree + A Special Author's Note

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"Good grief. What am I thinking..."

At this point, it's been nearly a month since the Sniper Lovebirds have started dating and at the moment, there seems to be an internal issue.

After today, Chiba had begun to doubt his relationship (which, if you remember correctly from common romantic knowledge, isn't a good sign.)

Earlier that night, while walking home, Chiba had promised himself to not think about it too much.

Flash forward to the present and Chiba is in his room, looking at that picture of Hayami.

You know:

"Brother and sister complex

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"Brother and sister complex..." He had thought as he began to trail off.

Karma had revealed that the reason why he didn't reciprocate any feelings towards Nakamura-san was that he felt like their relationship felt more like a sibling relationship than something mutual. He made a point where they both have similar upbringings and personalties and remarked that dating would ruin that bond.

If you've noticed, Chiba and Hayami have similar upbringings and personalities. Both ended up in E-Class for not catching up with their academics, both are stoic, they are expert marksmen, and they both barely talk.

Hell, Chiba said something about being similar to her at the sleepover.


Chiba: "She and I just think alike and we always joked that if we ever switched bodies and minds, people would think that we didn't switch."


Yet, unlike Nakamura's outcome...

The two ended up together.

Chiba had been wondering exactly how this came to be. Surely he was lucky or something, right?


"Was this just dumb luck? A fluke perhaps...?" He thought with concern.

However, he decided to not dwell too much on this and focused on what was ahead.  And up ahead was the Sniper Duo's biggest date up to this point...


Waking up at 8 AM, Chiba and Hayami got themselves prepared for the big day ahead for them.

As a way for Chiba to ease up a bit, Hayami agreed that they would go check out the Skytree first then move on to the cat café.

"At least I'll use all my energy up later on in the day!" She remarked in one of her texts. Though, she was clearly disappointed that the café wouldn't be their first stop.

Arriving at the train station, Chiba spotted his girlfriend near the coffee shop.

"Hey babe," Chiba called out to Hayami.

"Oh, Chiba," Hayami answered with a surprised tone. "I'm surprised I came earlier than you for once!"

"Eh, it's whatever. Had a bit of a stall coming here. But, you ready?"

Hayami nodded and the two-headed on over to the platform. As they waited for the train, Chiba showed Hayami a cat video he found last night. She died of cuteness on the spot and the Emo Marksman simply chuckled at her reaction.


On the train, Hayami and Chiba sat together. The ride would take around an hour, so the two had a lot of time to mingle.

...Except someone didn't have the energy to do so.

"Hey, Ryuu," Hayami asked her partner. Chiba looked over at her.

"Yeah?" He asked.

Hayami then began to speak. "I'll be honest, I kinda forgot to sleep last night. So, if I pass out later, it's not my fault."

Chiba obliged. "Okay, that's fine by-"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hayami passed out and her head landed on Chiba's shoulder.

So much for passing out later... However, Chiba didn't mind.


Now, you may think that this date was solely focused on the Sniper Duo. Well, that is true. But, of course, Karma had to send in some spies to follow them.

Today's spies being Sugino, Kanzaki, and... Nagisa?!

"Why was I forced to be here..." Nagisa sighed.

"You signed up for it, didn't you?" Sugino said.

Nagisa leaned in closer to Sugino to whisper something that made him shake.

"You only came here because Kanzaki was hitching along, hm?" Nagisa said with a sly tone. Sugino blushed furiously as he looked away from her.

"Boys," Kanzaki whispered as she turned around. "I see the couple at 2:00!"

All of them looked on over at Hayami and Chiba. They noticed that Hayami was taking a nap on her partner's shoulders.

Kanzaki and Nagisa got nosebleeds because of how cute it was, while Sugino looked on with envy.

"Today is going to be a long day, isn't it..." Sugino sighed. He then put on some headphones and listened to some music, as he watched the train zoom past the city.

Spies and a date? What could possibly go wrong...


Author's note:

Kept you waiting, huh? Okay, but in all seriousness, it's great to see the story is still popping off in the charts and it's still getting so many reads. It felt like just yesterday when I reached the elusive 1K reads...

Also, if you haven't, check out the new book I'm writing:

"Girls Und Panzer den Fanfiction: It's St. Gloriana and the Dimension Hopper!"

I'm mostly active in writing there, and I've got a lot of ideas for that book compared to here

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I'm mostly active in writing there, and I've got a lot of ideas for that book compared to here. However, I'm not done with Chiba and Hayami yet...

To sum things up, thank you for the support and this story isn't finished just yet!!

Alright, see ya on the flip side!

- MusashiBear

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