Chapter 17 - A Movie Night?!

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(Spoilers for Jerry Maguire)

"Hey, Chiba! How's it going?"

"It's going pretty good. How's life treating you, Kanzaki?"

"I'm well. By the way, thanks for inviting me over! I'm flattered!"

Chiba smiled and let Kanzaki into the house. He then told her to wait in the living room while he went upstairs to grab the others

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Sugino looked into the mirror and took a good look at what he was wearing.

Rio and the ladies had cobbled together an outfit from both her parent's wardrobe and her own wardrobe

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Rio and the ladies had cobbled together an outfit from both her parent's wardrobe and her own wardrobe. The varsity jacket? It was her dad's. The hoodie? Rio's own hoodie. The pants? ...Nah, that was Sugino's pants, except they did some tweaking to it.


Kurahashi: "Sorry sport, but I have to. Orders from Nakamura-san herself."

However, not only did they change up his looks, but the ladies also gave Sugino a crash course on how to keep your cool when you're by your crush. Although it would take an eternity to show every moment that happened during this, there was one moment that is worth sharing...


27 Minutes Ago:

Sugino: "What's going on. And why does Kurahashi look like Kanzaki?"

Hayami: "Okay, Sugino. Let's pretend Kurahashi here is Kanzaki-san. Now, we're going to do a mock representation of the Canadian experience you told us about. We want to see how you handle under pressure."

Kanzaki- I mean Kurahashi was wearing a long black wig and wearing the Kunugigaoka school uniform (it should be noted that the wig was very loose and had a tendency to fall off.) With a blow from a whistle, Hayami and Rio commenced the scenario.


Kurahashi (As Kanzaki): "Hi, Sugino!"

Sugino: "Oh-uh, hi Kurahashi- I MEAN Kanzaki! How's it going?"

Kurahashi: "I'm tired. All this globe-hopping made me sleepy."

Kura-Zaki sat down beside Sugino.

Sugino: "Oh yeah, m-me-me too! I'm tired too!"

Kurahashi (as Kanzaki): "You sure? You seem lively."

Sugino: "Uh-uh, yea! I mean, no! I mean, yawn! I'm tired..."

Kurahashi (as Kanzaki): "...Liar."

Sugino: "...What?"

Kura-Zaki stood up from her seat and turned away from Sugino.

Kurahashi (as Kanzaki): "Stop doing this to me. If there's one thing I hate more than anyone else, it's people like you."

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