Chapter 7.5 - A GRAND WORLD TOUR

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Previously on IT'S WORTH A SHOT:

- Chiba realized his love for Hayami
- Korosensei took the students on a global trip around the globe.

And that's all you missed.

The octopus had taken them to many stops around the globe, from Moscow to London to Barcelona to even Athens, Greece!

What did they do once they reached their destination?


He got the students out of the bag, arranged them as a group, took photos, stuff them in the bag again, and flew off to the next destination.

No time for sightseeing. They were on a tight schedule.

As they went from city to city, Social Studies Expert and Male Class Representative Yuma Isogai noticed a trend with the cities they're entering.

When the class arrived at Atlanta, USA, Isogai saw the Olympic Rings in a park and finally figured it out.

"Wait, I get it," Isogai remarked. "Korosensei is bringing us to every Olympic Host City because that's the route he planned!"

Korosensei looked at Isogai and his face changed expression.

Korosensei looked at Isogai and his face changed expression

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Yup, Isogai was correct.

"Wow, you figured it out," Korosensei exclaimed. "But not just that, we are heading to every Summer Olympics host cities in existence! Plus, one Winter Olympics host..."

As they finished taking pictures in Atlanta, the class went to their next destination.

They continued forth, from Rio to Mexico City to LA, before finally heading over to the final destination.

"Korosensei," Nagisa asked. "Where is the final destination gonna be in?"

"I'm glad you asked, Nagisa," Korosensei replied. "Our final destination will be that one Winter Olympics host. In fact, we should be coming up to it right..."


The bag and the octopus flew into a city with tall mountains, a large bay, and several glass skyscrapers.

The class landed on what seems to be a mountain with ski runs. When they got out of the bag, they looked in awe as they could see the whole city from up on this mountain.

Suddenly, the octopus exclaimed:


"Canada?!" The class exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, class," Korosensei replied. "We are here on this mountain to get some snow sports photos in. Now hurry along, we don't have all day!"

Korosensei made everyone dress up in snow clothes and made them engage in snow activities. Korosensei took some photos of the girls building some snowmen, the boys participating in skiing and snowboarding, and Rio and Karma murdering Kayano and Nagisa with snowballs.

"Perfection." The octopus giggled.

Karma noticed the time on his phone and saw it was only 1 hour until school ends. He decided to go up to Korosensei to request something.

Karma: "Hey, Teach!"

Korosensei: "Yes, Mr. Karma sir?"

Karma: "You know, there's only an hour left of school. However, we've been on a world tour and barely did any sightseeing. May we request some time to do some here?"

Korosensei, looking over at the city of Vancouver itself, decided that it wouldn't be so bad to sightsee in a foreign city. And besides, this was their final destination and that they were done way earlier than expected.

"Sure thing," Korosensei replied. "Gather the students up while I make some guidebooks."

Suddenly, he left in a flash.


It had been a good 15 minutes when the students realized Korosensei was gone. When they asked Karma where Teach went, he didn't reply, other than to "expect something big."

Up in the sky, they saw Korosensei with a huge bag filled with books for some reason. Before they could even ask, he swiped all the students and flew them to Jack Poole Plaza in the Waterfront.

Korosensei's Fun Fact: Jack Poole Plaza features the famous Olympic Cauldron leftover from the 2010 Olympics

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Korosensei's Fun Fact: Jack Poole Plaza features the famous Olympic Cauldron leftover from the 2010 Olympics.

When he placed the students down, everyone was confused about why they were here.

"We are officially done with taking pictures," Korosensei said to his students. "However, the time has graced us. As per Karma's request, you're all free to do some sightseeing around the city!"

Upon hearing this, everyone cheered. Despite this being a global trip, sightseeing was one thing they barely did. So doing some in this city seemed like fun.

However, the celebrations stopped when Korosensei gave everyone a guidebook to the city, specially curated by him. Everyone groaned.

Sure, the guidebook wasn't as big as their Kyoto guide, but it was still heavy nonetheless.

"Now, class," The octopus spoke up. "You can explore the city to your leisure, but only in the Downtown area. We meet back at this Olympic Cauldron in 35 minutes. Also, while you're at it, avoid the Eastside."

Okajima asked why to avoid it. Isogai told him that there are... bad people there.

With the sound of a gong, Korosensei let the students go and explore the city to their heart's content.

The octopus decided to stay behind at the Olympic Cauldron and he stared up to the crumbling crescent moon.

"8 days," He said to himself. "Time sure does grace us with speed. But..."

"Maybe it went too fast for my liking..."

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