Chapter 8 [2] - Karma and Rio: Exposed

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Gastown: Named after Gassy Jack, a fellow steamboat captain, Gastown was one of Vancouver's first settlements

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Gastown: Named after Gassy Jack, a fellow steamboat captain, Gastown was one of Vancouver's first settlements. Today, it is a National Historic Site and features a mix of restaurants and contemporary shops.

Korosensei's Fun Fact: The Famous Gastown Steam Clock isn't actually that old. It was built in 1977, but it looks like it was built in the 1800s. Pretty crazy, right?

"This teacher knows his stuff. I'm impressed." Karma smirked as he read the guide book.

Rio Nakamura and Karma Akabane decided that their district of choice for sightseeing was the famous Gastown district. Why?

Because it had the word Gas in it and they thought it was funny.

Immature humour...

As what any tourist would do, they took way too many photos. One selfie at the Gassy Jack statue, another one in front of the Steam Clock, and even one with a dog.

Karma clearly tagged along with Rio just because he had no one else to tag along with. Nagisa was with Kayano in Stanley Park, Teresaka's gang was breaking the rules and heading over to East Van, and Okuda tagged along with Hinano Kurahashi down in Science World.

Though, this wasn't his only intention with the blonde.

In fact, this whole entire sightseeing thing was done because of one reason:

Karma wanted to talk to Rio about the whole flirting thing, away from any students.

Could he have just done it back in Japan? Maybe, but since Korosensei had a knack for stealth and spying, being far away from him would provide a major distraction.

Also, Korosensei is quite fond of Poutine. So, he's distracted because he's eating all the places in the city that sell this famous Canadian indulgence.

As Rio began window-shopping and gawked at all the diverse clothing, Karma just kinda stayed behind her. Rio occasionally dragged him into a store and made him try on clothes, but other than that, the red-haired assassin barely spoke to her.

As their time sightseeing wrapped up, Rio became quite suspicious about Karma barely talking to her.

"Hey, Akabane," Rio said as she turned to Karma. "You seem quiet. Something's up?"

Karma, surprised she noticed, looked at the blonde and sighed.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked.

Rio accepted and the two of them went into a secluded alleyway. There, Karma suddenly grabbed his phone.

Rio: "What's with the phone?"

Karma: "...Nothing much..."

Rio: "You've been acting weird for the past half hour. You've got a stomachache or something."

Karma: "It's not that, but... You know why I asked Korosensei to have a sightseeing tour?"

Rio: "...Because you felt like it?"

Karma: "Not only that, but I wanted a quiet place to talk to you about something...

Rio looked up in shock and wondered why. She blushed a bit because maybe this is it.

Rio (in her mind): "I think it's happening... what the fu-"

Her thoughts were interrupted when she looked at Karma's phone, which was held in front of here. It was their texts. As she read them, she didn't notice at first, but she noticed her flirting in her texts. She became shocked.

Rio (in her mind): "Shit! Did he find out?!"

Rio: "Yeah, so what about my texts?"

Karma: "Were you flirting with me?"

Rio: "Me? No, I wasn't."

Rio (in her mind): "Yup. He found out. I'm screwed. I'll just play dumb."

Karma: "Okay. If you weren't flirting, then why did Korosensei ask me about you?"

Rio: "As I said to you a while back, it was nothing. If it was something, I would've told you what happened."

Karma: "But he said it in a rather serious tone. If you know him, a serious tone means something is up."

Rio: "Again, it's nothing."

Karma, realizing this conversation will go nowhere, pulled a fast one on Rio and said something that shocked the blonde.

Karma: "...Do you have a crush on me?"

Shit. He figured everything out. What to do now?

With no other choice and with her being flustered...

Rio lunged forward to Karma and kissed him in the lips. Their warm lips connected for a few seconds and then...

Silence between the two.

Rio, looking down, faced the street and told Karma that they should head back to the Olympic Cauldron before time runs out.

A few minutes had passed since that encounter. Rio, as she waited in the intersection, had a single tear trickle down her face. Suddenly, she wiped it off as she saw Hinano and Okuda walking. She decided to join up and headed back to the Cauldron with them.

Karma, still in the alleyway in Gastown, wiped his lips and looked towards the road.

Karma: "She did have crush on me. But I don't. What the fuck do I do now..."

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