Chapter 14 - Nakamura's Problem

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"Rinka, I need to talk to you about something..."

"Nakamura? Is something bothering you?"

Suddenly, Rio hung up abruptly.

...What was all that about? Something seemed obviously weird about this.

That is what Rinka Hayami thought as she and her partner, Ryunosuke Chiba, sprinted to Rio Nakamura's house.

Mere moments ago, The Sniper Lovebirds were having a date at the local shooting range and doing a competition where the ammo is just chocolate bits.

And this was all stopped because of Nakamura-san.

"We better hurry," Chiba suggested to Hayami. "If she's like that, who knows how she'll act in the next 20 minutes!"

Hayami looked back at her partner and nodded in agreement. She turned her head forwards and continued to run, hoping for
the best...


By 9:26 PM, the two had arrived at Nakamura's house. But, what now?

Apparently, Rio's parents are at a conference in Calgary and her older brother is studying at a university. That means that 3 family members are currently out of town. And the two marksmen agreed that Rio won't answer the door.

So, how does one get into her house?

"Hey Hayami," Chiba whispered. "I found a note and a key under the welcome mat."

Well, that's one less problem to solve.

Chiba gave the key to Hayami and kept the note for himself. When he opened the note, he was... rather disappointed with what it said.

"WHAT," He exclaimed. "I can't go inside!"

Hayami looked back to shush her boyfriend. But, when she read the note, she just simply told him to wait outside. Chiba frowned and plopped himself on the steps.

As Hayami entered the house, the two thoughts that popped up in her head immediately were:

1. "Wow, this house is really clean."

2. "It's quiet... Maybe too quiet..."

When she went upstairs, she found the door to Rio's room. As Hayami put her hand on the door handle, she took a deep breath and let it out.

"Rio-chan," Hayami whispered. "You better make this worth it. I cancelled a date because of this..."

Hayami opened the door and, upon entering Rio's room, Hayami gasped in shock as what she saw made her slightly distraught.

Not only did Nakamura's room contrast with the clean environment from the rest of the house, but there, on the bed, she found a rather depressed Rio Nakamura curled up in sadness and tightly hugging a pillow.

Hayami could tell from Nakamura's eyes that she just finished sobbing a few minutes ago. Her hair was all frilly, which made her look like she just got out of bed and was totally a far cry from her usually straight hair. The pillow she was tightly hugging had stains on it, likely from the tears she cried out.

Upon seeing her in this state, Hayami, slightly tearing up, rushed on over to Nakamura-san and kneeled by her. Trying to not sound distraught, the Tsundere Sniper began to talk to her depressed friend.

Hayami: "Holy shit, Nakamura-san, what happened?!"

Rio: "..."

Hayami: "Nakamura-san?! Please! What's wrong!"

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