Chapter 20 - A Convenience Store Reunion

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In the last chapter, we saw Sugino, Kanzaki, and Nagisa spying on the Sniper Duo during their date to Tokyo Skytree. They were hired by Karma to do this.

But, why did the redhead not go himself?

The answer is simple.

This morning, at 7:30 AM, Karma went out for a jog around the neighbourhood. After a while, he suddenly had an urge for some steamed curry buns. Luckily, he was close to a convenience store.

As Karma entered the store, he exclaimed to himself, "Steamed buns, here I come!"

Karma requested 2 steamed buns for himself to the cashier. As he grabbed his card, someone wearing a hoodie came up to the register to purchase some items.

He noticed that this person's basket was filled with a bunch of snacks. As he looked at who this mystery person was...

He gasped.

Who was it?

Well, let's just say that the mystery person heard the gasp and looked at Karma. Suddenly, whoever it was took off the hood and...

It was...



So, it looks like the Mystery Hoodie Person was none other than our good friend Rio Nakamura! If you may recall, a lot of sourness between the two sleazy geniuses occurred and they haven't interacted since.

But that changes today.

Down by the river, the two began to... talk?





"...Uh, it's been a whole minute since I last saw you-"

Immediately, Rio put her finger on his lips, gesturing him to be quiet.

"Quit the small talk," She said with intent.

Karma immediately backed off and just started to munch on curry buns.

"Seriously," Karma said with a mouth full of food. "The first thing I say to you after we lose touch for a month is immediately silenced. Wow. Literally no words."

"Oh shut up," Nakamura answered back. "It's either you make another dumb joke or I slap you!"

Suddenly, she trailed off and began to speak in a rather sombre tone, "...However, I don't honestly care that much. It's... it's been a while."

Karma, upon hearing this, smiled back and a conversation ensued.

Karma: "...Yeah. I guess you could say it's been a hot minute since we last talked."

Rio: "I guess..."

Karma: "Heh, it's really been a month since that whole thing back in E-Class. That's funny to me because I feel old."

Rio: "Yeah, Old Man! Besides, you smell like a 75-year old curry!"

Karma: "Shut up, I'm not that old and smelly!"

Rio: "You sure?"

Karma: "Of course not!"

The two laughed. It's been a while since they had fun together and things are looking up quickly. However, the mood suddenly shifted.

"So, I have a question," Rio asked the redhead. "...Why did you reject me?"

Karma suddenly choked for a second and coughed. Just when things got good, she just had to bring it up. To him, it was going to be inevitable, but immediately a day after he told Chiba and Nagisa?!

Well, the only thing to do now is to just admit it.

"Well," He said as he cleared his throat.

"If I'm being honest. The reason I rejected you was that... I can't see ourselves in a relationship."

Nakamura gasped. However, Karma insisted he would explain everything. And explain everything he did.

Rio: "...Explain."

Karma: "I see our thing together as more of a brother-sister relationship. I mean, we both have similar upbringings, quirks, personality, and all that shit. I feel like if we're together mutually, that feeling would be ruined and everything around us would be stale."

Rio: "That's..."

Karma: "Stupid, I know. The boys told me it was good but I didn't feel the same way for a bit."

Rio: "No, that's actually smart."

Karma: "Listen, I'm not saying I don't like you, but... ah whatever. You know what I mean."

Rio: "I totally get it though. I myself would've realized that sooner if I wasn't so lovestruck back then. And hearing it from you just makes me feel... satisfied."

Karma: "I guess that means... we're cool now?"

Nakamura, with a big and perky smile, nodded her head and punched Karma's shoulder. It hurt, but it wasn't too bad.

And with that, the sleazy geniuses are no longer sour.


However, as the two walked back, something came into Nakamura's mind.

"Wait," she spoke up as the two walked through the city. "If you said our thing couldn't work because of this brother-sister dynamic, then shouldn't that apply to Hayami and Chiba, WHO ARE LITERALLY DATING?"

Karma stopped and replied, "You know, I thought the same thing myself. But, it's honestly up to them..."

The redhead began to look up to the sky and secretly wondered if today's date will go well for the Sniper Lovebirds.

"Welp, I hope your judgements are correct," Nakamura said in a hopeful tone. "I just hope they're going to be okay..."

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