Chapter 1 - The Summer Festival

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Ah, The Summer Festival.

The only place where the smell of takoyaki clashes with the stench of the game operators that rig every game. It's quite painful if you're a regular civilian.

But if you're an assassin, this is a piece of  cake.

Korosensei had just invited nearly everyone in Class 3-E to this festival so that they can all have some fun before school starts up again. Their all-expense Okinawa Resort Hotel trip was more stressful than relaxing due in part to some crazy shit that happened.

Nonetheless, the class needed some well-deserved fun before they got back to their normal lives.

As trained assassins, the games at the festival were a breeze to do. Their skills astounded both the operators and the kids watching them.

Nagisa and Kayano managed to win easily in the bobbing game, Karma delightfully and devilishly exposed a shady operator, and Class Representative Yume Isogai caught so many goldfish that he decided to cook them for a feast (he's Prince Charming!)

However, the two biggest winners in the festival were Rinka Hayami and Ryunosuke Chiba.

Back in Okinawa, they were up against a deranged but skilled assassin with a powerful revolver. They were only equipped with regular run-of-the-mill revolvers. However, they managed to take him out, further solidifying them as the sharpest shooters in the class.

Being the best shooters in the class meant that they could do pretty well at the shooting gallery.

And they did!

Maybe a bit too well...

"Excellent!" Korosensei exclaimed to Nagisa and Kayano. "Quite a few more of you showed up than I've been led to expect! In the event that no one bothered to come, I was contemplating seppuku..."

"Oh," Kayano responded. "Guess we really shouldn't have shown up, huh?"

As the three of them had a good chuckle, Nagisa noticed Hayami and Chiba together. However, they looked quite disappointed and bummed out. He walked over to the two.

"Chiba, Hayami? Why are you guys so depressed?" Nagisa asked politely.

Chiba, speaking in a depressed tone, replied, "We both got banned from the shooting gallery..."

"It was so easy that we sort of got carried away. We needed the practice..." Hayami added on.

The two were holding so many prizes in their hands that some of them were on the verge of falling onto the ground.

Truly, they were the biggest winners of the night.

Nagisa simply chuckled but hurried along to Karma, who is currently exposing a shady game operator.

"Wait," Chiba piped up. "Why are we sad over this? I mean, we won all these things."

Hayami looked at Chiba, hands full and all. She then said,

"Yeah. We did win big tonight, mostly because of our skills."

"We are pretty good, not gonna lie." Chiba responded as he looked over to Hayami.

The two shared a smile and started talking about the prizes they both won. Hayami was quite interested in the new tablet Chiba won. Chiba himself was infatuated by the pretty sizeable stuffy Hayami won.

As the night progressed, the two watched the fireworks blasting up into the night sky. Chiba looked over at Hayami. She was wearing a small red kimono and had the same hairstyle she had been wearing for a while now.

Quite unremarkable, but Chiba never really cared.

As she smiled at the fireworks, Chiba felt as if the world stopped. He began to remember the fun night they had together, from trying the different foods and winning big time at the shooting gallery.

What was this feeling he got? He wasn't like this when they had their "dates." Was this lov-

Suddenly, Hayami turned and looked at him.

Chiba, flustered by how quickly she turned her head to face him, quickly looked back at the fireworks display and smiled. Hayami was confused but quickly ignored it. She turned her head back to the firework display as well.

The last and biggest firework exploded in the night sky, creating a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours.

This marked the end of the Summer Festival and the start of life getting back to normal.

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