Chapter 16 - The Sleepover Gang

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A sleepover at Rio Nakamura's house?!

This was the first thought that came into Tomohito Sugino's mind when he arrived at Chiba's location.

Sugino knocked on the door and the person who answered it was none other than Hayami-san herself.

"Sugino?!" exclaimed in shock.

"Yup," he replied. "That's me, alright. If you're asking, Chiba invited me over."

"Oh," Hayami responded. "That explains it. Chiba is in Nakamura-san's room. I'll lead you to it."

Sugino simply nodded and followed Hayami to the room. When he went inside, he noticed that everything was dimly-lit, with the only light source being scented candles.

In the middle of the room, Sugino saw Kurahashi, Nakamura, and Chiba sitting in a circle, meditating to the music of Michael Bublé.

"Hayami," Sugino asked quietly. "What the hell is going on?"

"Self-Love," Hayami replied. "Wanna join Chiba in this?"

Suddenly, Chiba opened his eyes and saw Sugino. Chiba waved to him and he waved back. However, this was short-lived when Kurahashi elbowed the Emo Marksman to stay with the flow.

"You know what," Sugino reluctantly said. "I'm gonna wait until they're over. You can find me in the other room."


For the next 15 minutes, Sugino stayed put in Nakamura's Parent's bedroom with Hayami (she decided to leave the meditation because of how surreal it got.)

As Hayami read a magazine she found lying around, she noticed around the 10-minute mark that Sugino was texting someone on his phone a bit too enthusiastically. However, she instantly knew that it was probably just him texting Kanzaki. But, to make sure, she decided to ask.

Hayami: "Hey, Sugino."

Sugino: "Yeah, Hayami?"

Hayami: "You still talking with Kanzaki there? Or-"

Sugino suddenly became unnervingly frightened and, for a good few seconds, became a bumbling nervous wreck. He suddenly dropped his phone and Hayami picked it up. She threw it back to Sugino and he calmed down.

"Woah," Hayami exclaimed. "What happened a few seconds ago?"

"Nothing..." Sugino replied. "I just get flustered when someone mentions anything about Kanzaki to me. You see, I-"

"Really like her? Yeah, everyone knows." Hayami interrupted.

Sugino began to blush violently. "Shit," he thought. "Everyone knows. Great. Just great."

As he thought this, Rio came into the room to announce to Hayami that she can re-enter her room now.

"Oh," Rio said as she turned to see a familiar face sitting on the bed. "Sugino? You're here for the sleepover?"

Sugino stopped blushing and said yes to her. Rio looked over at Hayami and the Tsundere Sniper gestured that he was okay, much to the confusion of the blonde.

"Oh wait," She spoke up jokingly. "Something about Kanzaki, Baseball Kid?"

Sugino suddenly became uneasy and- Oh, there goes the Baseball Kid again, becoming more flustered by the second.

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