Chapter 12.5 - What a big thing you got there...

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Although both do not consider this their second date, it could be classified as one. This is because today, Chiba is hanging out at Hayami's house.

With the sun shining in Hayami's room and a plate of snacks on her bed, they both began to talk about several topics.

Chiba: "So anyways, I started blasting."

Hayami: "And? What?"

Chiba: "...I got nothing. Anyways, you've heard the rumours about Sugino?"

Hayami: "Oh, you mean the one where he wants to ask out Kanzaki-san?"

Chiba: "Yeah. They're kinda cute together."

Hayami: "I don't know, and judging by Kanzaki's personality, I feel like she wouldn't date."

Chiba: "Who knows..."

Hayami and Chiba paused for a second. Suddenly, Hayami felt a bit down. Chiba noticed this and asked what's going on.

Chiba: "You okay?"

Hayami: "I hate to ask but... Did you like the kiss during our first date...?"

Chiba: "...Um, OBVIOUSLY!"

Hayami: "Oh, that's good to hear!"

Chiba: "Why exactly did you bring that up right now?"

Hayami: "...Wanna do it again?"

Chiba: "...Sure."

As the two got closer to have a kiss, Hayami accidentally put her hand down too firmly on Chiba's crotch.

When that happened, she felt something hard.

"OW!" Chiba exclaimed.

"SORRY!" Hayami replied worriedly.

Chiba insisted that he was okay, much to the Tsundere Sniper's relief. When she looked down, she noticed something noticeably large in her partner's crotch.

Hayami: "Um... I hate to ask, but what's under there."

Chiba: "Under where?"

Hayami pointed at Chiba's crotch. It had a noticeable bulge that seemed out of place.

Chiba: "Oh, that? That's my gun."

Hayami: "Your what?!"

Chiba: "My gun!"

He pulled it out of his crotch, much to the surprise and shock of Hayami.

"Rock-hard, heavy-pounder, and has a big chamber," Chiba said with a smile. "Here, touch it!"

Hayami held the gun in her hands. It was quite big. She began playing around with it and stroked the top. Unexpectedly, when she kept on touching it, some white stuff leaked. Her hand became sticky and when she tasted the white stuff, it tasted... familiar.

"Wait, is this... WHIPPED CREAM?!" Hayami exclaimed with surprise.

"Yeah," Chiba replied. "Pretty cool, right? I modified this air gun to make it a whipped cream dispenser!"

Truly a shocking moment in Hayami's perspective.

Chiba grabbed the cup of Hot Cocoa he had saved for later. He took the gun from Hayami and sprayed whipped cream on his Hot Cocoa. Due to some leaks, some whipped cream sprayed on Hayami.

"Gimme the gun." Hayami said to Chiba.

Chiba gave the whipped cream gun to Hayami and immediately afterwards, he got sprayed by whipped cream.

"Wow," Chiba mumbled. "Stickier than I thought."

In an instant, the two laughed and spent the next half-hour together cleaning up themselves and the room. After that, they went to play some games at the local arcade.


It's Worth a Shot: A Not-so Kinky Hayami X Chiba FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now