Chapter 21 - Spies in Tokyo Skytree

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"...Hey guys! Wake up! They're leaving!"

"Kanzaki, not now- OH SHIT THEY ARE."


Except the commuters did push into the train. What's even worse was that it was the morning rush hour. And, after a few seconds, Nagisa lost sight of the Sniper Lovebirds.

Sugino was still fast asleep. Annoyed, Kanzaki slapped the hell out of him and he immediately woke up.

"NAGISA," The Baseball Kid yelled. "WHAT THE HECK!"

"That wasn't me," Nagisa replied. He then pointed to a stern Kanzaki.

"Oh," Sugino said as he blushed furiously.

The three spies got up and left the train.

"Now," Kanzaki said to the boys as she exited the station. "Our main targets... are gone. Thanks to you boys and your snooze-fest, we have a 49% chance of failure."

"Wow," Mumbled Sugino. "When did you get so serious about this? It's just a date-"

Kanzaki suddenly stormed towards Sugino and pulled him down. Now, face to face, she stared intently into his eyes, which made him furiously red and hyperventilate silently.

"Listen, boi," She asserted. "If we don't find them, their whole relationship will be jeopardized! We don't want to let that happen, don't you? Their future is on the line!"

Sugino's eyes widened and he turned his head to Nagisa.

He yelled, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!"

Nagisa put his finger on his lips and told Sugino that Karma had suspected a feeling of doubt on Chiba.

Besides," Nagisa continued. "You agreed to come as I left for the station, so you didn't know why."

Sugino agreed to this and Kanzaki let go of him, causing him to fall.

"Come on," Kanzaki said to the two. "We better get a move on to the Skytree..."


Ah, the Skytree. Second-tallest structure in the world, a major provider for television signals, a famous landmark... It's the most perfect place for a date.

"God, how high are we," Chiba asked. "I've been here in the last year and yet, it still feels so weird to me."

"Can't believe this is my first time here," Hayami remarked.

"It is?!"

"Yup, and honestly, this is great!"

The two looked out towards the horizon and basked in the glorious Tokyo sun.

"This view," Hayami exclaimed. "This view is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Chiba replied.

Hayami turned to face Chiba in a shocked tone.

"Did you really just flirt with me," She asked jokingly. "Wow, no words."

"Oh come on," Chiba answered back. "You know I had to pull that line. It's a given!"

He then chuckled and the two began to smirk at each other.

"I hated that," Hayami jokingly said. "So basic."

"Wow, I hate you," Chiba jokingly replied. "Hating on my jokes? Now that is a bruh moment."

"Never say bruh moment ever again."

"Bruh moment- Oh, you were serious."

Well, that was awkward.

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