Chapter 18.5 - Fuwa Fuwa Time

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A trip to the mall.  A simple enough date for the Sniper Duo. It was going along smoothly, until Hayami noticed Chiba was listening to something all day. She decided to ask out of pure curiosity.

Hayami: "Hey, Chiba. What are you listening to?"

Chiba: "Oh, just some rock and roll."

Hayami: "Can I listen?"

Chiba: "Oof, sorry no. I'm trying to keep my headphones clean and stuff. I don't want to share stuff, even if you are my girlfriend."

Hayami: "Oh really?"

Chiba: "Yeah."

Chiba (in his mind): "Not really though..."

I wonder what is going on inside his head...

Few minutes later...

Chiba: "Hey, I gotta head into the washroom to take a number one. Can you watch over my bag?"

Hayami: "Sure!"

Hayami, still curious, decided to see if Chiba's phone was in his bag.

No luck.

But, he didn't bring his headphones with him.

Out of curiosity, she put the headphones on. In an unexpected turn of events, the music he was listening to made her chuckle.

After Chiba left the stall and washed his hands, he decided to check his phone.

Chiba: "My music is still playing. Well, at least my headphones are off-"

Chiba then saw that his headphones were still connected. Upon realizing that Hayami had his bag and her curiosity earlier, he rushed out of the washroom.

Hayami, still listening to the music, looked up and saw Chiba looking around for her. In a flash, she put the headphones back in the bag. Finding Hayami, the Emo Marksman rushed over to her.

Chiba: "Oh, found you!"

Hayami: "Well, you took long enough."

Chiba: "Random question, was my headphones on?"

There was a slight pause. Not wanting to reveal the truth, Hayami shrugged.

Hayami: "...Didn't even bother to check."

As the two walked out of the mall, Hayami grinned devilishly and whispered in her head,

"Listening to rock, you said. Heh, you're funny. You listen to Ho-Kago Tea Time unironically, huh? Fuwa Fuwa Time? Pfft, this is perfect blackmail..."

Chiba: "Babe, you okay?"

Hayami: "Oh, I just thought of something funny."

Chiba: "Oh..."

And with that, another date had ended for the two. Except one left with a funny story to tell to everyone...

Few days later:


Karma and Rio: "Hehehe..."

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