Chapter 11 - For Real, this time?!

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In the last chapter, Hayami and Chiba decided to go outside the room for some reason when everyone passed out from reading.

Why is that, exactly?

Well, we're about to find out.

Outside the classroom, the silence was just as strong as in the inside. It permeated across the mountain and throughout the night. It was so silent that if one were to notice, you could vaguely hear the squishing sound of Korosensei's steps. The floor was still in a state of disrepair, the windows had mould in them, and even better: the building kinda stunk.

Despite this, the Sniper Duo looked at each other and soon faced the window. Tonight, despite its state, the Moon shone its light upon Earth. It was the only light source for the two.

Soon enough, the two began to converse.

Chiba: "...Tonight was..."

Hayami: "...Depressing."

Chiba: "I was going to say that."

Hayami: "I know. But... Korosensei is gone. It just feels weird to talk now because he isn't spying on us. It's just... off-putting."

Chiba: "I loved the guy... It just pains me to say but..."

Unexpectedly, a single tear dropped down from his right eye. He looked away from his partner and whispered,

"What am I going to do without him..."

Hayami, looking intently at Chiba, felt for him. He was distraught over the death of someone who helped him become a better person.

She too became as distraught as Chiba when she began to remembered the times Korosensei stuck by her.

Initially, Rinka Hayami started out as a person who just wanted to help out others. She mostly did other people's work without even thinking of doing her own stuff. This caused her to drop immensely academically and, soon enough, she landed in E-Class.

Ryunosuke Chiba didn't really communicate with his teachers very well. This, combined with his low grades, caused him to drop to E-Class.

The two shared one fear: Failure.

However, it was Korosensei who helped them get over this fear. This was around the time that they were depressed about not assassinating him at the island because, if they'd just been a bit calmer, they could've taken him out.

It was Korosensei that taught them to not be afraid of failure. Instead, they should keep in mind that if they fail, the class will support them.

He was also the one that helped them with their dilemmas about their love for each other.

In short, this teacher has truly impacted them like the others in this class.

As they thought all of this, they both began to sob quietly. The treasures and future ahead for them was probably not enough to forget about the pain they went through for the last 3 hours.

Chiba, being the caring person he is, wrapped Hayami in his arms and hugged her. Hayami held on to Chiba's garments and clenched it, as she began to cry hard.

"It's okay," Chiba whispered as he broke down. "I'll miss him too..."

Hayami felt slightly better by the warm grasp of the surprisingly slender Chiba. He's almost like a big, cuddly cat. And, despite still in tears,  she began to converse with Chiba.

 And, despite still in tears,  she began to converse with Chiba

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