Chapter 5 - Let's get to the bottom of this.

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"Woah, really? That's interesting."

"Yeah. Maehara was really on the case yesterday. Ritsu tried to shoot his points down but I think I saved his ass."

If you can't tell who's talking, I don't blame you. I didn't even put who's who. But, if you read the last couple of chapters, you'll soon realize that the two conversing are none other than our good friends Rio and Karma.

Yeah, no shit. They are literally the main focus for this chapter.

Right now, they're in the hallway talking about Chiba, Hayami, and how Karma got some new insights thanks to both Maehara and Ritsu.

"So," Rio spoke up. "The two of them are telepathic, huh?"

"Well yeah," Karma replied. "I have a suspicion that Chiba is secretly Hayami's brother from another mother and Hayami is Chiba's sister from another mister."

"That's... concerning," Rio said to Karma after hearing that statement. "Whatever the case is, we need to get to the bottom of this."

"Are you sure," Asked Karma. "They might get mad if we interfere."

"I think they should be fine." Rio replied.


"Alright. See you later, Hayami."

"See you, Chiba."

The two marksmen had just reached the main campus and were about to split to head their separate ways. That was until they heard Rio and Karma. The two were running towards them.

"Hey!" Rio and Karma yelled at the same time to Chiba and Hayami.

The two pranksters both reached Chiba and Hayami in time. The two marksmen were both visibly confused about why these two jackasses wanted to talk.

"Rio-chan and Karma-kun," Hayami said to the two. "Why did you need us?"

"Oh," Karma replied. "I just wanted to walk with Chiba today and Rio wanted to walk with you."

Chiba, clearly still upset from that burger joint stakeout on Valentine's, refused Karma's offer.

"Hell no," he exclaimed. "After that Valentine's Day thing, I don't feel like walking with you."

Karma faced Rio and they both thought the same thing: this plan ain't gonna work.

Suddenly, Hayami spoke up and said, "Wait. Rio can walk with me. I need the company."

Rio turned to Karma and whispered, "Bingo."

As the two ladies went walked away, Chiba and Karma stared at each other.

"Well, looks like Hayami is walking with company," Karma said to Chiba. "I think it would make sense if we-"

Chiba piped up and exclaimed, "Not gonna happen jackass!"

Chiba grabbed Karma, which seemed totally out of character for him, but whatever. Karma, deciding that Chiba was gonna hurt him bad, told him to back off because he was gonna apologize for him and Rio's sake.

"Look, man," Karma spoke in a stoic tone. "I did not mean any harm when Rio and I were stalking- I mean studying you guys. We kinda got too far back there and honestly, we shouldn't have invaded your dinner. We were just bored on Valentine's. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble."

Chiba, slightly touched by Karma's apology, put him down to the ground. Karma stepped back and began to speak.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me..." Karma said as he bowed.

Although still a bit angry, Chiba accepted his apology.

"I'm still slightly ticked," Chiba spoke as he turned away from Karma. "But, I accept your apology. So, you wanted to walk with me?"

Karma, realizing this worked, simply chuckled in delight.

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