3 Musketeers

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"Meanie!!  Pancake!!  GET IN HERE RIGHT THIS MOMENT!!" I called angrily.  The two rushed in falling all over each other.  

"Oi Trouble what the fuck is wrong?" Gabriel asked.

I waved my hands at our room.  "This!  This monstrosity!  What is this?  We had a sacred promise!  We worked together to prank everyone else but we were never to mess with each other!" I exclaimed as I pointed at our room once again.  It was covered in paint.  It was still wet and dripping off our bed and walls.  

"Oi.  Trouble.  Why the fuck would you think me guilty?  Why the fuck would I ruin my own design??" Gabriel asked as he looked at our room in horror.  I could see his heart breaking in his eyes.  I sighed as I realized he was innocent.  I was about to turn on Luke when I heard giggles from our closet.  I looked at my boys in horror as we all stared at the closet.

"Not the fucking clothes..." Gabriel whispered in horror as his voice trailed off.  "I can't Trouble.  I can't fucking look.  You can't watch horror but this is fucking horror to me.  You go look." Gabriel begged.  I crept to our closet door and sprung it open.  Inside were both my twins that I had with Gabriel and Luke.  They both gave me their own set of twins much to the horror of the rest of our family.  Both sets were taking after the three of us too well.

"Oh.  Oh no.  Daddy Gabriel shall never forgive you kids." I whispered as I stared in horror.  

"Lies momma.  All I has to do is pout like you do." Madeleine said.

"Oh my sweet baby girl.  I don't know if all the pouts in the world can get you out of this one.  Je ne sais pas." I said as I rubbed my forehead.

"What did we do wrong mommy?  We just did what we see you, daddy Gabwiel, and daddy do." Chip said with a confused expression.  I sighed as I met each of their somber expressions.  I dropped down to their level.  It was hard as I was pregnant yet again.  I ended up just sitting down on the floor.

"Come sit around me my darlings.  When your daddies and I play pranks on the rest of your daddies we never ever destroy property.  Everything we do is fixable.  Like when we dye daddies hair different colors.  We can fix that back to their original color.  What you've done can't be fixed.  We have to buy new things and replace what you've damaged.  That's the difference.  Do you all understand?" I patiently ask.

They never have to know past pranks where irreversible damage was done.  I mean those were just tents I thought back to when the guys and I damaged the terrible two's tents.  Or when I got rid of all of Owen's ties and replaced them with hot colored ties.  Nope, the kids definitely don't need to know about that.

"I'm the oldest so I understand mommy.  I'll keep the rest in line." Chip said.  

"I'm the same age as you!!" Clementine exclaimed proudly.

"You aren't dat much older den me!" Jean Pierre said angrily.

"Or me!" Madeleine said with a pout.  I just giggled as the kids began fighting.  

"So do the rest of you understand?" I asked once they calmed down.  They all said they understood in unison.  

"Well then you better run and clean up before the cookie monster gets you.  Especially you Chip.  You know the Cookie Monster just looooooves chocolate chips!" I said as Luke the Cookie Monster began chasing the kids.

"Oi Trouble.  Give it to me fucking bluntly.  How fucking bad is it?" Gabriel asked.  I cringed as I held up one of his white shirts that was used to cut snowflakes out of and held up one of said flakes.

"This is the tip of the iceberg.  Is that blunt enough for  you?" I asked.

"I fucking regret the day I taught them arts and craft shit." Gabriel said.  I saw tears in his eyes.

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