You got fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only bait in town

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Yesterday Nathan told me to be up at 4 am and to wear my swimsuit.  I grumbled as I dragged myself from bed which was a trial as Raven had me all wrapped up in his arms.  I was going to kill Nathan for making me wake this early.  He knows I'm not a morning person I thought angrily to myself.  I grabbed the body pillow and slid out from my Big Bear's arms and placed the pillow in his arms.

I stealthily crept around as I changed into my bikini and put sun block on.  Then I put on leggings and a tee.  I grabbed the hat and a hair tie and stuck them into a beach bag with my sun block.  I quietly left my room and met Nathan downstairs.  I shot him with a death glare that had him shivering.

"Come on, we're going to have fun.  I promise." Nathan said as he put coffee in my hand.  I sipped at it as I followed him.

"What are we doing?" I asked. 

"It's a surprise." Nathan said.

We stepped outside and I saw a boat attached to Nathan's jeep.  So we'll be I out on the water I thought.  I got in the jeep and eventually fell back to sleep. 

"Peanut wake up.  We're here.  Come on Peanut." Nathan said. 

I woke up to see the Gulf of Mexico stretched before us with the sun rising above it.  It was beautiful.  I grabbed my now cold coffee and finished it.  I grabbed my beach bag and hopped out.  I threw my bag into the boat as Nathan was loading the boat up.  I went onto the dock as Nathan began backing the jeep up into the water.  I hopped from the dock into the bobbing boat. 

"Throw the rope to me Peanut." Nathan called from the dock.

"Aye aye Captain Honey." I said as I saluted Nathan.  He chuckled as I tossed him the rope.  He secured the boat to the dock and detached it from it's carrier.  Then he pulled away with the jeep and parked it.  He jogged back and untied the boat then hopped aboard.

We headed out far enough to finally see the beautiful green blue waters from the gulf.  You have to get far enough away from the drills to see the true beautiful colors of the water.  Finally we were in a spot that Nathan deemed perfect and he cut the engine. 

"We're going fishing Peanut!" Nathan said excitedly.

He had been going on for years about the bountiful fishing that happens in our waters so I should have seen this coming. I noticed a screen showing all kinds of fish below us and that's how he judged we'd found a perfect spot.  He grabbed two fishing rods and put bait on them.  Then he showed me how to throw my line back and then cast it forward into the water.  He grabbed his rod and went to the other end of the boat.

I took a breath and then brought my rod back and then cast it forward.  I was surprised to see a red ball cap go with it attached to my hook.  I looked over at Nathan who was glaring at me and no longer sporting a hat.  Woops I thought and grinned at him.  I reeled my line back in and freed his hate and plopped the soggy hat with possible bait stuck to it onto Nathan's head.  Then I skipped back to my end of the boat with a wicked grin on my face.  I've been fishing many times before I got back together with the Blackbournes so I knew exactly what I was doing.   That was just cranky revenge for waking me at the ass crack of dawn to go fishing.

I smirked as I then perfectly cast my line out.  I could hear Nathan sputtering from him end.  I just grinned as I put my rod in the slot to hold it and got my beach towel out, out on more sun screen and put my clothes in my back.  I laid out listening to music through my ear buds while reading/watching my line.  After thirty minutes I saw my rod bend a bit so I hopped up and grabbed it.  I reeled it in a bit and felt resistance.

"I got you sucker." I cried out as I began the fight.

We fished until lunch time and then ate the lunch Luke packed for us out on the water before heading back in.  We were successful in our endeavors.   We got enough fish to feed everyone for dinner tonight.  My first catch had been the biggest fight.  A 25 lbs hammerhead shark.  We let it go.

Once in the car I opened my group chat with my kids and told them how I hooked Daddy Nathan.  They all loved it especially the Fearsome Foursome who wanted pics.  Lucky for them and not Nathan I did get a pic of him glaring with the wet hat on his head and bait stuck to it.  The kids went off when I sent it.  I told them how he assumed I couldn't fish and took the time to teach me before I did that.  I've been fishing with most of my kids so they knew this and it tickled them that he didn't know.

I sent the pic of Nathan to my Musketeers, Sean, and Raven.  My men who I knew would appreciate it above all other.

Big Bear: Ginger not know you can fish?  Ginger dumb.  😂🤣😂

Pancake: I wish I'd been there to see it in person!!  😂😂😂🤣

Meanie: That's what he gets for wearing that stupid ball cap.  😂

Romeo: He should have known better than waking Pookie that early.  Did he learn nothing from others?  Smh.

"You sent it to those jackasses??  Why would you do that to me Peanut?" Nathan asked.

"I sent it to the kids too.  And why?  4 am Honey.  4 am.  Does my sleep mean nothing to you??" I asked but I was giggling.  Nathan just shook his head.

When we got back Luke, Raven, North, Silas, and Nathan got to work on cleaning the fish.  We had a very nice fresh dinner that evening with our family.   We did all styles.  Fried fish the Louisiana way, grilled, sushi for Sean, etc.  It was a fun date with Nathan turned into a fun family dinner.  Most of my kids were home for summer.  Only my oldest baby Bear and Finn were missing. Kara would be leaving soon for the CIA as she'd graduated from college along with Jules from medical school.  So I enjoyed this time while I could.

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