Take me out to the ball game ⚾

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"Aggele Mou would you go to a baseball game with me for our date night?" Silas asked.

"Sure.  I didn't enjoy it on TV but watching it in person live is fun." I said with a smile.

"Aggele Mou which animal is the best at baseball?" Silas asked with a grin that made his eyes crinkle.

"Hm, no idea!" I said though for this one I actually had a pretty damn good idea.  Obviously a bat.

"A bat!" Silas said happily and I giggled.  Alessandra entered the room to see what we were up too.

"Hey Bambi did you know that if you sing while playing baseball you may not get a good pitch?" Silas asked.

"Ugh.  Dad.  Really?  Forget I asked what was going on." Alessandra said as she quickly left the room.  I giggled some more at our teen daughter's response rather than the joke.

"Aggele Mou why was Cinderella so bad at baseball?" Silas asked.

"Den gnorizo.  What Superman?" I asked.

I don't know in Greek.

"She had a pumpkin for a coach!!" Silas said as he chuckled.

"I'm going to go see what our daughter is up to." I said with a shake of my head as I left the room giggling.  

I went shopping with Gabriel though it pained him to go shopping for sportswear.  He still found me a really cute team shirt for the Zephyrs to wear with my skinny jeans and sandals.  He refused to let me get a baseball cap so I bought it on my own without him.  I got one for Silas as well and snuck them into his vehicle.  I smirked as I readied myself for the game.  I stuck a hair tie into my pocket and met Silas downstairs.

"You look good Aggele Mou.  Think I'll be able to steal some bases later?" Silas asked with a wiggle of his brows.

"Not if you make any of your dad jokes." Sang said with a wink as she sashayed out the front door.  Silas clutched at his heart dramatically as he followed.

We arrived at the field in Metairie for the game and found our way to our seats were right in the front in a good spot.  Silas left to get us food and drinks while waiting for the game to start.  I saw this guy on the field wave at me and start running over.  I tilted my head as I watched waiting until he was close enough to recognize him.  

"Wow it really is you.  How have you been Sang?" Jay asked.

"Jay?  Is that really you?  I haven't seen you since High School!  I've been good, and yourself?" I asked.

"Good, good.  I went to school for sports and was a head coach for a long time in the pros but now that I'm in my 50s I want to take it more easy.  So I started coaching the minors this year.  I was hired by the Zephyrs as their head coach.  I didn't know you ended up out here." Jay said as Silas walked up.

"Si!  My man!  It's so good to see you both together.  You made it for the long haul.  Most high school relationships don't make it.  I'm happily married myself with a few kids.  They're all adults now." Jay said.

"She's my Aggele Mou.  She was never replaceable.  We have a daughter together.  She's a teen." Silas said proudly.

"My sister never changed.  She's in and out of jail all the time.  She still talks obsessively about you three.  I mean Sang, North, and you.  I stopped talking to her a few years ago because I finally gave up on her changing.  Rocky cleaned up though.  After he got out of jail for dealing he went to therapy to stay clean and deal with his issues.  He ended up going to school to be a therapist.  He's done well for himself." Jay said.  I shuddered as I remembered Jade and how she sexually assaulted me in the locker room showers.  She really did me no favors with my PTSD with showers.  Jay noticed my shudder and looked apologetic.

"I'm sorry that good for nothing never changed.  But I'm glad Rocky was able to." Silas said as he squeezed my hand.

"It was nice catching up with you both.  Maybe we can double date some time.  I better go talk with my team and prepare them for the game." Jay said and ran off with a quick wave.

"Sang?" Silas asked.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"I was trying to give you your drink." Silas said as he indicated the drink he was holding out.

"Oh sorry!" I said as I took it.

"Where were you?" Silas asked.

"Just thinking violent thoughts about Jade." I said as Silas shuddered.  Silas was glad Jade was currently in jail again because he knew what his Aggele was capable of.  I hid my grin at the look of fear on Silas's face as I took some of the boiled peanuts and popped them in my mouth.

"Hey Superman, why did the baseball player bring a pacifier to the game?" I asked.

"I don't know Aggele Mou.  Why?" Silas asked with a big grin.

"He wanted to play like the Babe." I said giggling as Silas chuckled. 

"What's the difference between a boy late for dinner and one that hits a ball over the fence?" Silas asked.

"I don't know Superman!  What?" I asked.

"One runs home and the other is a home run." Silas said grinning and I giggled.

After a few more cheesy jokes the game started.  The Zephyrs won which made me happy for our home team and for our old friend Jay.  Jay came over and switched numbers with Silas and then we headed home.  I had my hair up at this point with my baseball cap securely on.

"We need to wear them into the house so Meanie can see." I said with a wink.  Silas agreed with a grin and we headed inside holding hands.

"Trouble.  You're fucking grounded twice.  Once for your hair being up when I fucking confiscated every hair tie and second for the fucking hat." Gabriel said.

"Touch the hair tie and I'll have to tie you up.  Oh but wait Meanie would like that too much." I said as I put my finger to my lip as I tried to think of a better punishment.

"Fuck Trouble.  You really know how to fucking turn me on." Gabriel said.

"Tough.  It's my turn with Aggele Mou tonight." Silas said as he wiggled his brows at me.  I giggled and took off for our room with Silas fast on my tail.

A/N: A few things.  The only guys I had left to have cute moments/dates with are Marc, Raven, Sean, Kota, Victor, Nathan, Luke, and Gabriel.   I know what to do with Raven, Luke, and Gabriel.  But I can't think of anything for Marc, Sean, Kota, Nathan and Victor.  Especially Sean.  I need to go big for my fave.  In the first book I had him take our girl on a romantic picnic in a beautiful park by the pond that ended with them dancing in the moonlight by the pond.  How does one beat that?  Victor I was all ooh concert.  Then I remembered I just did that with Owen so I can't with Victor.  So Idk what to do with those guys.

Next.  I refuse to redeem Jade.  Nearly every fanfic has Jade evil as she is.  But none ever have her as evil as she is in CL's original.  For those that haven't read it she sexually assaults Sang in the locker room showers after gym class.  So I won't redeem her.  She can rot in a fiery fictional pit.

I had three things to discuss..oh I remember now!  So New Orleans no longer has a minor league team which is why I took liberties.  The last team we had that left us in 2020 was the fucking Baby Cakes.  They were ORIGINALLY the Zephyrs which was a way better name but for some ignoramus reason they decided to let fans put in names and then had fans vote for the one they liked the best and that's how the Zephyrs became the stupid ass Baby Cakes.  I refuse to use that lame name.  So I took liberties since they aren't our team anymore to go with their original and superior name.  But yes, we don't have a team anymore but Silas always wanted to take Sang to a game so I made it happen.  And that's the end of my few things.

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