Graduations, Med School, and Goodbye

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Four years after my crown Jules graduated from Highschool I had Alexei and Kara graduating together.  Alexei opted to proceed through school at a normal rate since he couldn't join the Navy until he was 18.  Alexei has dreams of being a Navy Seal.  Kara however followed her sisters footsteps and graduated at 16.  Jules finished her four years of college and was proceeding into her four years at Tulane's Med school.  So we a graduation to attend and then a party at our B&B to celebrate the graduation and Jules making it into Tulane's Med School program.  

No kid had as loud a cheer as Kara and Alexei did thanks to their huge family.  Speaking of huge family we had to pay an arm and a leg for all of us to be able to attend but since we're the size of a small army I can't fault the school.  We left the school and went back to my B&B where we were hosting the party.  I was trying to ignore my sadness.  My oldest baby was now 20 and close to being able to legally drink.  Lexei was leaving me in two days for the Navy.  Kara would still be here attending Tulane with her sister.  She was doing a double major for law and psychology as she still wanted to be a CIA agent.  So she would eventually leave me too and be international.  I sniffled and wiped at an errant tear.  My precious Clementine would be leaving as well eventually for Julliard.  She fell in love with ballet and is very good.  I wonder how she'd do without the rest of her Fearsome Foursome or if they'll follow and attend school in her area.  Her twin Chip is planning on being a chef like his father, and Meanie's twins will study interior design and start their own company together.  

Finn has his father's love of marine biology but his love for water isn't the same.  He plans to follow Lexei into the navy.  My Bambi will pursue her music career right here.  Her YouTube channel has grown massively in the last four years.  Max and Adrian are following their oldest brothers into the Navy.  Gavin is taking over his dad's Coffee shop  with Dahlia and Aurora still planning on taking over my B&B.  Then Ewan is taking after his dad with technology and Harrison after Brandon with cars and motorcycles.  My babies are nine years old now.  They're all growing up so fast it hurts.

"Earth to Quinn." Brandon said.  I snapped my eyes up and saw Brandon looking at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry Harley.  What did you say?" I asked.

"I was asking if everything was setup as you wanted.  The guests will be here soon." Brandon said.

"Oh yes, it looks perfect." I said with a smile.

"Are you ok?" Brandon asked.

"Yes, just sad that my babies are growing up and leaving me.   I mean our youngest twins are already 9 Harley!" I said with a pout.

"Only half will be leaving the nest egg.  The other half aren't.  Also, Kara isn't leaving immediately either.  It'll be ok Quinn.  Our kids have to spread their wings just like you did when you followed your heart to New Orleans." Brandon said.

"MOM!" Alexei called out in anger.

"What is it Lexi?" I asked.

"The Fearsome Foursome have hidden all my military uniforms.  Make those terrorists give them back." Alexei said.  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Don't worry maman.  We just glamorized them so he'll be the most stylin' Navy Man." Madeleine promised as she snuck up on us making Alexei jump.  He turned to find all four standing behind him.

"Mom why did you have to teach them  how to be so silent?  You must not have taught the rest of us as well as you taught them." Alexei said.

"Or it's just because you're part bear and don't know how to be quiet." Kara said making him jump and turn to see her appear out of nowhere.

"Yes, you do walk really loud that people in the next Parish can hear you." Jules said making him jump and spin yet again.

"I hate you all.  Well, not you Jules.  You'll always be my favorite sibling.  But the rest of you!" Alexei said pointing at his younger siblings and including Kara.  Kara smirked and winked at him before flowing into the shadows.  I smiled in pride after her.

"Wait a minute.  What do you mean your glamorized my uniforms??" Alexei said as what they said had just caught up with him.

"Just made it sparkly.  Don't worry.  You'll love it.  They're already back in your bedroom." Clementine said with a wink.  Before Alexei could say anything more his and Kara's classmates began to show up.  Once the party was going Alessandra was on stage singing as the entertainment for her siblings party.  Parents enjoyed the food while the graduation class danced.  It looked like everyone was enjoying themselves.  I noticed one of the people being honored tonight was MIA so I began looking for her.  I found my crown Jules sitting alone with the sun lowering in the sky making her appear ethereal as her curls seemed fiery in the setting sun's rays.  

"What's wrong my darling?" I asked.

"Lexi is leaving me momma.  I guess I thought he'd always be there in the shadows protecting me.  Always nearby." Jules said as she swung her legs.  I got up on the tree limb with her and swung my legs back and forth too.

"I've been sad all day too about him leaving.  But your Daddy Brandon reminded me I did the same.  I was from Charleston but in order to grow up and spread my wings I had to move here.  I was being held back in Charleston.  Sometimes people have to leave to spread their wings.  You're able to do what you need right here to spread yours.  But Alexei and Kara can't.  Our little dancing bird Clementine can't either. Julliard will be the best school for her.  Because we love them we have to let them go or they won't be happy.  But it doesn't mean we can't be sad about it." I said.  With that she leaned her head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on her and we found comfort in each other.

Before Alexei left Gabriel managed to un-bedazzle Lexi's uniforms so that he could show up looking as he should and not get in trouble.  It was a quiet and sad say as we all said goodbye to our oldest baby bear.  He promised to visit whenever he could and to talk to us everyday and he knew we'd hold him to that promise.

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