Just the trees, the lake, and us Forever and Always.

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Sean had Gabriel pack me an overnight bag and we left early in the morning on Saturday.

"Romeo where are we going?" I asked for the zillionth time.

"It's a secret Pookie.  That's why Gabe packed so you wouldn't see what was packed to guess where we were going.

I pouted wanting to know what we were doing.  After thirty minutes on the road we crossed into MS.  After an hour and a half we were in the middle of nowhere and driving into the woods.  Sean turned off the dirt road onto a dirt driveway that led to a house up in the trees over a lake.  I stared up in awe at the tree house.  

"Romeo this is beautiful!" I said excitedly.  

We headed up the long plank-like bridge up to the house in the trees.  There was a deck surrounding the house and there was a rope you could reach from the deck over the lake that was obviously to use to swing yourself into the lake.  I grinned at the sight and ran like a child into the house to towards the bedroom so I could strip into my swimsuit.  I could hear Sean chuckling behind me.  By the time he caught up I was already in my swimsuit.  

"Tonight we should go skinny dipping since we're the only ones out here in this secluded paradise." I said with a wink.

"Yes just us and the deranged redneck serial killers that run around the middle of the nowhere." Sean teased. 

"Don't worry Romeo.  I'll protect you." I said with a giggle before taking off with my towel.

When I got out onto the deck I saw a dock for my phone with speakers so I could blast my music.  I happily plopped my phone into the dock and began blasting my Whatevs floats ya boat Playlist.  Immediately Macklemore's Downtown began blasting out over the lake.  I dropped my towel onto an outdoor lounge chair then grabbed the rope.  I stepped back with it then took a running leap and swung out over the lake.  I let go of the rope and dropped down into the lake with a splash.  I came up giggling.  I looked up to see my beloved Sean out on the deck.

"Come on Romeo!  That was fun!" I said as I tread water to stay afloat.

I watched Sean grab the rope and take a running leap as he landed near me.  I dove under and swam towards him as he came up.  I grabbed him around his waist and pulled him under.  I kissed him and then popped up.  He came up after me asking what that was for.

"It was my thank you.  You're the best husband a Pookie could ask for." I said happily.

"I'm glad because you're the best wife a Romeo could ask for." Sean said and I could see the love and happiness shining from his eyes.  

Even after all these years together our love has never dimmed only grown.  We swam for a bit before heading up to the deck.  There was a hammock made for two on the deck that we laid out on together soaking up the sun and each others attention.  It swung gently in the breeze eventually lulling us to sleep.  Our hunger woke us up so we got up and checked the fridge where we found tons of food for the grill on the deck.  We got busy grilling then settled at the table and enjoyed our lunch.  After eating we did some more swimming until the sun began setting.  I refused to be in this water after the sun as I thought of water moccasins and such.

We headed up on the deck and as the sun set faerie lights came on twinkling in the evening night.  This secluded tree house became very romantic just like my Romeo.  I smiled at him and put on my I've got a Crush on You playlist for the mood music.  We began slow dancing in the twinkling lights.  It reminded me of our first date night in New Orleans when we had the romantic picnic and then danced under the stars by the pond.  There's been so many good times in the years since between us.

Finally we took a moment for dinner.  Sean put candles in the center of the table as I reheated our grilled meal from earlier.  We settled down with our food and ate.  Once we were done we cleaned up and went back to dancing under the stars and faerie lights.  It wasn't long before things began to heat up between us.

"Are you ready to give those deranged, redneck serial killers that run around the middle of nowhere a show?" I asked as I wiggled my brows.

Romeo sex in 3, 2, 1...

Sean answered me with a deep kiss.  I moaned into his kiss as he began untying my bikini top.   My top dropped to the deck as he palmed my breasts and grazed his thumbs over my nipples.  The kiss became rougher as I moaned into his mouth.  I slid his swim trunks down as he slid my bottoms down.  Then he began lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips.  He walked us to the hammock and laid back on it.  I slid him into me and began riding him.  The hammock swung with my movements which helped take him deeper into me.  I arched back looking up at the night sky through the tree branches.  Our moans rose up into the night air as I rode him going faster and faster making the hammock swing faster with my motions.  The hammock had him hitting me right in my G spot and soon I was shuddering and crying out as I came.  Sean took that moment to roll me under him as he began bucking wildly into me drawing out my orgasm and then he was coming as well.  Sean threw his head back looking up at the night sky as he came.  We spent the night on the hammock, naked, tangled in each other under the night sky.

It's safe.  You can come out now to read.

The suns rays woke us and we watched the sun rise up over the lake.  It was a glorious way to be awoken even for someone who isn't a morning person like myself.  We grabbed our stuff and headed inside to make breakfast.  We ate breakfast and then cleaned.  We hit the showers where we made love again as we cleaned each other off.  We dressed after the shower and left our romantic hideout.  It was time to head back to the real world where my other loves awaited.

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