The Grumpy Pants who lives in the Light

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"What should we do for our date night?" North gruffly asked me.

"Hmm.  How about we kick some teens ass at laser tag or paintball?  Show them we still got it." I teased as my eyes twinkled at the prospect.

"You still have that energy?" North asked but he needn't ask as I was now bouncing around at the idea with excitement.

"There's a new batch of Academy kids we could test!  Take them down together just the two of us.  I bet we could do it!!" I said excitedly now fully into the idea.

"Isn't Luke the better brother for that date?" North grumbled.

"Oh come on Grumpy Pants I know you've still got it in you." I said as I bubbled with energy.  North didn't want to but he couldn't ignore his energizer bunny anything.

"Fine.  Laser tag at least then there will be no paint." North said.

"Deal!" I squealed as I rushed to my room to prepare for war.  North gaped after his energizer bunny not sure what he's just done to the new Academy kids and himself.

I dressed quickly all in black.  My tight black yoga pants so I could move with comfort and a black tank top.  I put my hair up in a bun and tied a black ribbon around it and finally put a black streak across each cheek like football players do.  I looked at myself and nodded in satisfaction.  I was ready for war.  I bounced back downstairs and found North standing in his same outfit.  I stared at him in annoyance.

"Grumpy Pants march your ass upstairs and change.  Take this shit seriously.  We're going to war.  Blue jeans won't cut it.  The black tee shirt is fine but get the rest of yourself together." I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.  I stared sternly as he sighed and headed upstairs.  A few minutes later he came down in black jeans and added the same black streaks across his cheeks.  I beamed at him happily.  It's the little things folks.

We pulled up to where Academy recruits train and parked.  I hopped out of North's Jeep and began stretching so I'd be limbered up.

"Sang Baby you're acting like that guy from Zombieland." North scoffed.

"One can never be too prepared Grumpy Pants.  Get it together or I'll be winning this on my own." I said sternly.  After I was done stretching I began walking confidently up to the building.  I grabbed North's hand on the way and dragged him along.  

"Think y'all still got what it takes to take down the recruits?" The trainer asked as we approached.  We had a confident smirk on his face thinking he finally had members who would be able to take down the infamous ghost from the Toma-Blackbourne Team.  I wasn't a ghost anymore and hadn't been for the longest time but I'm still called that because of how silently I moved.

"I don't know about this Grumpy Pants but I know about myself.  Your kids are going down Simon.  I promise not to make them cry this time." I said with a smirk of my own.  To be fair it was the Fearsome Foursome and their tricks that made that group cry but being the Blond Devil mother of them I had all the blame thrown on me.  I wore it with pride though.  We signed up and got our laser guns.  I could hear Simon addressing his recruits that they'd be going up against us two but to not be cocky because of their numbers.  He told them to be careful and warned them that I was the infamous ghost.  I saw respect on the faces of the girls with one in particular who I could tell wanted to be the one to take me down.  The boys; however, all looked like cocky bastards who were certain they'd take us both out.  I smirked as I told the boys to bring it on.

The lights went out and I darted off with North on my tail as I got into the spot I wanted.  After thirty more seconds I heard the buzzer go off starting the round.  I listened quietly and began darting around silently taking out recruit after recruit.  I was in a new hiding spot when I felt the air shift and it was too late.  It was the girl who wanted to be the one to take me down.  She would have but North came out of nowhere and took the L for me.  I took her out in his name.  After that I was like an avenging angel as I took out the rest of the recruits mercilessly.  I couldn't lose after my North Star took the hit meant for me.  I took out the very last recruit and the lights came back on.

"You recruits make me sad.  The ghost is 50 now and she took you all out with so little ease." Simon said as he pinched his nose in disappointment.

"To be fair that girl there had me.  It was the sacrifice of my brave husband that kept me in the game.  Thank you North Star.  Your death is what gave me the ammunition to be ruthless." I said with a smile while North sputtered that he wasn't dead.  Ignoring my North Star I asked the girl for her name.  She told me her name was Katarina and she was thirteen.

"When you're an adult look up my baby bears.  Maxim and Adrian.  I approve." I said with a nod and a devious twinkle in my eyes.

"Yes ma'am." Katarina said as she saluted me to my amusement.

"Why would you feed that poor girl to the Crow's kids?" North asked gruffly.

"I have a feeling I just fed them to her.  Have faith my love." I said as I patted his cheek lovingly.  I could feel Katarina's eyes burning into me the entire way to the Jeep.  She had my approval for sure.

When we got home all the guys were clamoring because Simon sent them the video of my avenging angel act.

"I'm surprised you didn't make those kids cry again." Kota said.

"Hey!  It was the Fearsome Foursome that made them cry!" I said defensively.

"The way you were just jumping over the rays of the laser guns or sliding under them so they wouldn't hit you and then taking out the ones that shot them.  It was hot moy malen'kiy kotenok." Raven said as he adjusted his pants.

"I hate to agree with the Crow but it really was hot Sang Baby." North said gruffly.

"I'm jelly that West saw it in person." Raven said.  I giggled at the Russian's use of jelly.  Sean swooped in before anyone could rudely beat him with the cure.  I giggled some more as he ruthlessly covered me with kisses.

These moments when I'm surrounded by all my men are the moments I love the most.  💖💗💕❤

A/N: Raven's twins are currently 15 for anyone wondering after Sang shipped them to Katarina.

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