Comic-Con, Star Wars, and Padme

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Comic-Con was coming to the New Orleans Convention Center so it wasn't hard to guess how Corey would want to spend his time with me.  He was quick to beg me to go but he needn't beg because I could never say no to my sweet Corey.  We quickly decided to attend as Anakin and Padme.  Gabriel did my hair and dressed me in her white kick ass outfit as he felt it was the most fitting for me as a person.  He braided parts of my hair and then put my hair back in an elaborate bun with the braids.

When I walked out to Corey he was all but drooling in a daze which had me grinning.  Brandon gave his twin a light punch in his arm to snap him out of it.  

"I'm used to that daydream look from our Luke." I said with a giggle.  

"Ah, ah, ah Pookie-" Sean was cut off by Corey soundly kissing me.

"After all these years you still rudely steal my moves from me." Sean said affronted while the kids were giggling.

"What will you guys be doing with the kids while we're gone?" I asked.

"Raven and I were thinking of getting the triplets started on self defense so they can catch up with their older siblings." Nathan said.

"Ray.  Ginger.  The triplets might already be running with grace at one but I think self defense might be a bit much." Corey said with a laugh.

"We will see." Raven said with a smirk as he eyed the triplets with pride.  It honestly brought me joy to see how much the men loved the kids even the ones that weren't biologically their own.  In fact I had no doubt every single one of our daughters would be a better fighter than their brother.  Raven would make sure of it.  I already knew that Clementine and Madeleine's spirits had a special place in his heart.  I think Kara's spirit will surprise him though.  She's so quiet but she's the dark horse out of the girls.  I winked at my Big Bear and Honey before leaving with my sweet Core.

Some of the guys at Comic-Con were up in arms about me not being good enough to be Padme as I was blond and Natalie was not.  

"She could have at least used a wig to try harder or something." One said as I rolled my eyes.  Geeze these guys are serious about this shit.  I wonder if I let my sweet Core down.

"At least I have a wife and one that would come with me." Corey said as he wrapped his arm around me.  I giggled as we walked away and went to different stands.  We went to the different meet and greet so my sweet Core could meet actors from different shows and movies he likes.  Corey was so wide eyed about everything it was really adorable.  Little did I know that naughty Corey was biding his time.  That night he had me role play in the bedroom as Padme when she was held prisoner and it got beyond kinky.  We got lost in ourselves and didn't think about the fact that Corey didn't have his vasectomy yet.  He had an appointment to get it done in two days.  But that thought wasn't on our minds as we had hot sex or even as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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