The Lost North Star

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North POV

Now that Sang has been cleared for field work after giving birth to the new terrible two aka Crow's fucking identical twins she was off on a mission with the entire team.  I got left behind to watch our kids.  Why they thought eleven kids was a one man job is fucking beyond me.  But this is new and improved North.  I'm a calm man now.  I can handle this.

"Daddy North.  We lost de babies." Madeleine said as she stared at me with big eyes welling with tears.  I stuck my fingers in my ears as if to clean them because I must have heard her wrong.  She still can't talk properly yet so I definitely misheard her.

"I'm sorry Mads.  What was that?  I think I heard you wrong." I grunted.

"We lost de babies daddy North!!" Madeleine wails.   Juliette runs into the room with her shadow Alexei.  They were the oldest siblings and definitely closer because of it.  

"Did you tell daddy North Mads??  We've searched everywhere and can't find them anywhere!" Juliette said.

"Da!  We thought we heard crying coming from Daddy South's dresser and was confused as to why Daddy West would stick the babies in a dresser but we checked anyways.  No babies were in there.  We don't know where they are!" Alexei said.

"Oooh Daddy North is going to be in trouble with momma!!  How are you a North Star but lost your babies daddy North??" Clementine asked with wide eyed confusion.  My eyes widened as the realization hit me that I was a dead man walking.  I've lost our kids.  Fucking lost them.  Crow wasn't lying when he said his kitten has claws.  She was more a bear than that fucker was.  I'm a fucking DEAD MAN.  I roared for all the kids to come to me immediately.  I assigned each kid to a room within our mansion then to meet back here once done.  I took the living room which has become the base room.  I began tearing it apart.  Throwing a sofa cushion here and there trying to find the babies.  Then I heard the cry that was definitely Silas's little girl.  

"Bambi where are you??  Daddy is trying to find you.  Where are you Bambi??" I called out like the fucking baby could answer me.  I upended a sofa to see if the babies were somehow under it.  They weren't.   I sat down in the middle of my mess and stared bleakly as I heard Bambi crying.  The kids slowly trailed back in.

"Daddy will kill you." Jean Pierre as he stared around the destruction with wide, round eyes.  He wasn't wrong.  Even if I find the babies I was still a dead man walking.  Speaking of babies I looked at all the kids with empty hands.

"None of you found them?" I asked in terror.

"Nope.  Daddy Grumpy Pants did you forget to bring them back inside after you took us outside?" Juliette asked.

"What if dey drownded in de pool or pond?" Madeleine asked with wide eyes.  I looked at her in horror and tried to remember if I brought them back in or not.  Didn't I put them down for their nap with the rest of the kids???  How come I couldn't remember?  I'm not that old yet.  Fuck.  I ran towards the back of the mansion and out into the backyard.  I once thought our backyard was beautiful with the big, beautiful oak trees.  But now there was just too much plant life back here that could hide babies.  

I started with the pool and pond.  The pool I could see in but the pond wasn't clear water so I ran in and began feeling around around in the muck.

"Be careful of de fishies!!" Jean Pierre said.

"He doesn't care about de fishies, wememeber?" Madeleine whispered.

"That's why we're doing this to teach him a lesson." Clementine whispered quietly back.

"Would you stop whispering over there and start searching the yard?" I called out to the kids.  It's unfortunate I didn't hear what they were whispering.  After I confirmed the babies weren't in the pond thank fucks I began tearing the yard apart searching under bushes.  I even fucking climbed trees.  How babies would get up into a tree my logic didn't question it.

"OI-MOTHER FUCKER WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY LIVING ROOM AND BACKYARD PARADISE?!" Gabriel shouted as he came out back trailed by the rest of my family.  I looked up and then looked again as I stared in horror.  Sang baby was holding Alessandra and the fucking Crow was holding his twins with a shit eating grin.  

"What-how-where were they?!" North asked.

"The babies?  Oh the sweet old dear next door offered to watch the babies to make it easier on you." Sang said innocently.  I looked at my prankster wife and the other Musketeers.  Luke was bent over in laughter while Gabe looked half murderous and half pleased with the prank.  I looked at the kids running around laughing and shouting how they got me for wanting to murder the fishies.  I stared in horror at the destruction I caused for babies that were never missing and sat down hard on the ground.

"But I even heard Bambi crying in the living room." I said despondently.  

"We put the baby monitor up into the air duct.  We just used my mini screwdriver to take the screws out that held the vent on and put it in then screwed the vent back on." Alexei said with a grin.

"Aren't Gabriel and Luke's kids enough terrors?  Why are the rest of our kids joining in?" North asked in horror.

"I don't know but you have a lot of cleaning up to do after yourself.  Come on kids let's go get some Snowballs." Owen said as the kids ran up after him.  I watched as they all left me to clean up.

"If you don't put everything back exactly how I had it you'll be facing my wrath." Gabriel called over his shoulder before shutting the door.

That night after cleaning all day after the horror that was caused I stood in front of my bathroom mirror looking for white hairs.  Surely after today I have some.  After seeing that I didn't have any yet I dropped into bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted as I dropped into a soaking wet bed that smelled like fish.  No.  Like the fucking pond.  I heard my phone buzz.

Designer: Fucking told you that you'd feel my wrath if you didn't fix everything exactly as I fucking had it.  Good night Grumpy Pants.

A/N:  This chapter is dedicated to @midpark21 gave me the idea for this chapter.  Also, she doesn't realize it but I've been convinced to add another one to maybe two more kids from a biological father who wasn't on the list but I thought about it and realized he was someone in the group that would want a kid more than some of the others who already have kids so I couldn't not have him on the list.  I won't give away who of course.  But it now looks like there will be a total of 15 or 16 kids instead.  I'm thinking 16.  One last set of twins.  We'll see how the cookie crumbles.  I'm still planning shit and plotting mischief.  😁 

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