Move Bitch

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"Sang Baby.  Please.  Why did you ever introduce that damn Crow to the song "Move Bitch"?" North asked.  

"West that is the national road anthem of this country.  We have to pay respect on the road." Raven said.

"But nonstop Crow?  Non-fucking-stop?  You listen to it on a loop every time I'm in the car with you!  It doesn't even matter if I'm the one driving.  You still play it." North said.

"You must put respect on Ludacris South." Raven said as amusement was dancing in his dark eyes.  I was trying not to giggle as I watched the back and forth.  North couldn't continue with the Crow or he knows he'll start yelling.  He doesn't yell anymore as that was his old self and he definitely doesn't want that self to surface now that they had kids.

"Sang baby.  Why?  You could have introduced him to your classical music or to the jazz of this city or anything really." North pleaded with me as if I could undo what was already done.

"But Grumpy Pants there was no song more perfect for my Big Bear.  You have to admit that song is the embodiment of Raven's driving and road rage." I said innocently.  The two frenemies resumed their argument as I finally broke down into giggles.

"Uh oh.  Someone needs the more mature giggle cure." Sean said as he entered the living room.

"Nope!  Not I!  I'll take a kiss cure but no sex!  No more kids Romeo.  Nine is enough!" I said.

"Especially when the ninth is my Greek goddess.  My little protector of humanity." Silas said as he came in carrying our tiny Alessandra.  We named her Alessandra Bambi Korba as Alessandra meant Protector of Humanity which was perfect with a Greek god such as Silas as her father.  

"Has her diaper been changed?" I asked.

"Yes Aggele Mou.  But this part I can't do.  She's hungry." Silas said as he handed her to me.  I took my little goddess and brought her to my breast.  She was taking after her daddy but I think she might be getting my eyes.  She has her daddy's olive complexion and black hair but her eyes looked like they were turning green.  I looked down into my little Greek goddess's beautiful eyes as she fed and smiled at her.

"So what's the current argument?" Silas asked as he regarded the other two.  Sean sat next to me as Silas took my other side.

"It's Ludacris again.  I think North secretly loves the man with how much he has Luda's name on his lips." I whispered to Sean and Silas.  Both men chuckled as we resumed watching the two go at it.

"I'll destroy your phone if you don't stop playing it in the car!" North said.  The Fearsome Foursome popped out from where they were hiding at that moment.  

"You'll get in trouble with mommy!!  She said pranks have to be fixable.  If you destroy his phone it can't be fixed only replaced!!" Chip said with his arms folded.

"Momma did you hear that?  Daddy North is bweaking de rules!" Madeleine said.

"Of course mommy heard!  She's sitting right there Mads!" Clementine said.

"Yeah!  Mommy totally heard.  Daddy North doesn't know how to talk quietly!" Chip said.

"I heard it's cos he deaf so he gots to shout to hear his own self." Jean Pierre said.

"Where did you hear that from?" North asked.

"Juwes told us!" Jean Pierre said.  I giggled at Sean's spawn of course being the one to say that.  She was proving to be ever the mischievous doctor as her daddy.

"Lexi says it too.  He says Daddy Raven told him so." Madeleine said.

"I heard it from Jules first West!" Raven said with a smirk.  Sean, Silas, and I were just laughing wildly on the sofa as we watched the exchanged.

"I can't believe you're going to blame a little girl Crow." North said in an annoyed tone.

"Actually, I am the one that made the diagnosis.  I'm the one that informed daddy Raven and my brother Alexei.  Then it just spread from there." Jules said as she entered the room.  She immediately went to her dad and climbed into his lap.

"She got her Doctor Degree from the school of Dr. Green." Sean said proudly.

"Crow, Sean, Luke, and Gabriel all need to get snipped.  I cannot handle them and their kids.  I definitely cannot handle anymore kids from them." North said.

"No.  I have strong swimmers.  No snip snip." Raven said as he puffed his chest proudly.

"What are we snipping?  What swimmers?" Chip asked curiously.  

"Daddy North is threatening the little fishies in our pond out back!!  He's going to snip the water feeding into the pond." I said with wide, innocent eyes.  That'll teach North for saying that stuff in front of our kids again I thought smugly.

"Daddy North why would you do that?" Jules asked in shock.

"Why Daddy North?" the Fearsome Foursome asked in unison.  The Fearsome Foursome all began crying on cue.  

"Oh no Grumpy Pants.  Look what you've done with your words.  You better fix it." I said with mock horror while giving him the evil eye.  I hadn't seen Raven leave the room but he came back in with popcorn.  He picked me up and sat me on his lap as he sat back down.  We shared the popcorn with Silas and Sean as we watched the show.

"No.  Uh no that's not what I meant at all." North started.

"Are you saying our momma is lying?  Our momma would neber eber lie." Jean Pierre said.

"That's right Jean!" I said with a nod as I took a bite of popcorn.

"No of course Sang baby isn't lying.  She just misunderstood me is all." North said desperately.  

"Den what did you mean?" Madeleine asked with her arms crossed and tapping her little foot.  North began sweating bullets as he tried to think of a lie.  North was coming up empty.

"Ok, ok!  I was going to do it.  The fish made me mad!  But now that I see how much you love the fish I won't do it.  I've learned my lesson.  I'm sorry.  Will you forgive me?" North asked.  The Fearsome Foursome all shared the look that can strike terror in the heart of many a man.

"Of course we forgive you daddy North." Chip answered for them and they skipped out together giggling the entire way.

"I'm a dead man." North whispered in horror.

"The deadest." I said with a giggle.

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