Pooches and Troubles

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I had the unfortunate life of being pregnant with triplets this round.  I hated all of my men.  Even my sweet Corey and romantic Sean.  It was every single one of their fault.  Even the fixed ones.  I hated them all.  I was hot, huge, and miserable.  So when both of our dogs came whining to me I just couldn't at first until I saw them.  I won't lie it amused me.  Sassy wasn't as mad as her proud brother.  He wouldn't even look at me as I took a pic.  He just kept his back to me the entire time and all the kids did was put a shamrock headband on him.  It's not like he had Sassy issues.  They had put different patches of her hair into ponytails and tried to braid her tail hair it would seem.  I giggled at this.  No wonder she won't let me brush her anymore.  Poor Sassy.  She went from being the terror to not even being close to a terror when compared to the kids.

"Fearsome Foursome please report!" I called out.  I heard giggles with the sounds of their pounding feet on our hardwood floors.  They skidded around the corner into my room and giggled more wildly when they spotted the dogs.  Fenrir bolted out the door as if his tail was on fire to escape the kids.  Sassy cowered behind my bed as she was abandoned by her brother.

"What have I told you about using your skills of terror on our furry family?" I said sternly.

"Not to!" Clementine said as she saluted me.

"Correct!  So why do they both look as they do?" I asked.

"That's not torture mommy!  We were just styling them." Madeleine said.  I smiled at my mini Meanie.

"Ok, some dogs do enjoy being pampered.  It would appear that ours however don't.  So no more of that.  We'll list that under the torture category, ok?  But y'know I think some daddies need some help.  Maybe tonight even?" I whispered.

"Ok, no more dogs but dad's yes.  Everyone but daddy Raven.  He sleeps nakey.  And he's scary when you surprise him awake." Chip said with a grimace that had me giggling.  Some habits won't die.  Raven won't put pajamas on or even just boxers.  Gabriel can't stop cursing.  The poor dear does try though at least.  I've taken to teaching my kids not to repeat the swear words in public as others consider them bad even though they're really just words.  My kids seem to understand as I haven't had any reports from teachers of them dropping bombs in school thankfully.

"Not my daddy either.  He's already stylin'." Jean Pierre said proudly.  

"Or Daddy Luke.  Remember we pranksters never prank our fellow pranksters.  We have to stick together." I told my kids.  My kids nodded seriously as they took my words as vows to never be broken.

"What about my dada?" Alessandra asked from the doorway where her two shadows stood with her.  I learned my lesson from my pregnancy with her not to drop to their level so I didn't.  I couldn't hold her either so I picked her up and stood her on my bed so that we were closer to eye level.  

"Your daddy is in trouble too.  But shhhh it's a secret.  Can you keep a secret?" I whispered to my little Bambina and gave her a wink.

"O course mommy.  I'd never tattle on my mommy." Alessandra whispered back with a twinkle in her eyes.  I giggled as I smothered her face in kisses making her giggle too.

"Should I be scared?" Axel asked.  I turned to find him leaning against my door frame looking quite sexy.  That damn man.

"Yes, yes you should." I said with a saucy wink.

"Shit." Axel said under his breath as his eyes went from me to the Fearsome Foursome who were grinning quite deviously at him.

"Maybe I should stay back at our Austerwitz place." Axel said with a cringe.

"But what if I go into labor and you aren't here?" I said with a pout causing Axel to blanch. 

"Of course I'll stay here tonight.  I-uh think I'll go help with dinner." Axel said as he left like his ass was on fire.  I guess our furry son took after Axel I thought with a giggle.  I turned to my Fearsome Foursome and winked making them giggle deviously together.

That night as I slept I felt the contractions come on me making me wake with a gasp.  Since we were near that time my constant bed partners were Raven and Sean the only brave two who would be in the delivery room with me.  I punched Raven and he grabbed his gun from under his pillow.  

"LABOR BIG BEAR.  IT'S GO TIME." I shouted.  Sean was immediately up and grabbing my go bag while simultaneously calling my dad and Miss Adelaide while Raven called Kota's mom Erica and Uncle so they could watch the kids.  After having the first set of twins my dad moved with Miss Adelaide next door to me.  I think if we had the room he would have moved in if he could.  He felt with this many kids doctors need to constantly be nearby just in case even retired doctors.  Erica and Uncle also ended up moving here to be near her grandkids as well.  They didn't feel the need to be that nearby though they were still uptown.  They were living in our Austerwitz place.  

Raven helped me rush out of our room with Sean behind us with my go bag.  The other men were stumbling out of there rooms and when I saw the Fearsome Foursome had given them rainbow hair I began laughing so hard despite my contraction that my water broke.  Sean looked at them and laughed.

"I'm glad I chose to sleep with you Pookie otherwise I see what my fate would have been." Sean said.  Big Bear went into Momma Bear mode.

"BROKEN WATER.  GO NOW!" Raven shouted.  Raven's English is much better now but when panicked it'll become broken again.  Raven lifted me up like I wasn't carrying three fucking babies and was running for his life to his vehicle.  Once at Raven's jeep he put me gently in the backseat before hopping in the driver seat and Sean hopped in the passenger.  I'd barely buckled up before we were tearing out of our driveway with Move Bitch blasting from the speakers.  I looked down and spotted Juliette.  

"We've got a stowaway fellas.  You better buckle up buttercup.  You know how daddy Raven drives." I said.  Juliette quickly got into the seat and buckled up.  

"I need to help my daddy since I'm to be a doctor.  You're having three babies mommy.  Daddy's going to need me for sure.  That's a lot!  Too much for daddy." Juliette said wisely.  I giggled and caressed her hair.  At that moment Sean's phone was ringing with a panicked North who was still traumatized by the kid's prank.  

"WE'RE MISSING A KID.  I REPEAT WE'RE MISSING A KID.  SEAN IT'S YOUR KID.  WE'RE MISSING JULIETTE." North shouted so loudly we could all hear.  

"Luckily for you my daughter is with us and not missing." Sean said with a chuckle.  He hung up on North who was in the middle of a stream of curses.  I was gripped by another contraction after that moment and Juliette was next to me patiently telling me to breathe and I'd be ok.  I love my kid so it took everything in me not to bite her head off.  I was glaring daggers at her dad though.

Once in the delivery room I asked for three epidurals per baby but the doctor didn't take me seriously much to my dismay.  After three traumatic hours I finally delivered all of my babies and swore to no more.  Fourteen was enough.  After an hour the babies were brought with the results of their biological fathers.  My boy belonged to Marc and we named him Gavin Elias Weiland.  The other two were both girls with one belonging to Sean yet again and we named her Dahlia Dawn Green.  My second daughter belongs to Victor and with our nicknames we went with a princess name for her.  We named our daughter Aurora Rae Morgan.  Sean picked the middle name because when our little Dahlia was coming out the dawn was breaking over the night sky.  She's our little ray of light just like Aurora hence her middle name Rae.  I tried to get Marc on the same beat but you know Marc has to march to the beat of his own drummer.

"Goodness.  I have an even seven granddaughters and seven grandsons." Phil said as he stared down at the babies.

"I hope our son has your eyes Muffin." I said as I smiled up at my stud Muffin.

"Well, I hope his one green eye is the exact color of your green eyes Bean." Marc said as he stared at his son proudly.

"I hope my sister has my curly hair too.  We'll be Goldilocks together in a house full of bears." Juliette our little stowaway said.  I giggled with her while Raven made growling Bear noises.  I fell into a deep sleep as clearly I'd be tired after the birth of three children and not a full night's rest.

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