Danse des petits cygnes and Just a Girl

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"Maman would you please record my performance for my Julliard application, s'ils vous plait?" Clementine asked me.  I smiled at her tenderly.  My little swan was going to spread her wings and fly so far.  I sighed sadly as I nodded.  We went to my B&B where there was a ballroom and she wore one of her beautiful ballet costumes for the piece.  She got her music ready and her brother stood by to start it when she was ready.

She went to the middle of the ball room and got in position then nodded at us.  I started recording as Chip started her music.  Danse des Petits Cygnes began to float through the room from the ballet Swan Lake.  My daughter fluttered beautifully around the room like a genuine swan.  I had tears in my eyes as I watched her execute every move with grace and love.  There were very few ballerinas with natural talent such as her that also danced with heart.  You could see her heart in every move and on her face.  As the song came to an end it rolled into Just a Girl by No Doubt which surprised me.  She seamlessly began to dance at a faster pace to a dance she created herself.  I was proud to see she couldn't just dance but could create her own to a song one wouldn't expect.  It was ballet still but the moves were harder and faster to match the pace of the ska song.  When the performance ended the room erupted in applause.  I stopped recording and spun around to find many guests from my B&B standing  with expressions of awe on their face.  My daughter beamed at her audience and gracefully curtsied to them.

She sent the video with her application to The Julliard School and continued her senior year with the rest of her Fearsome Foursome.  Jean Pierre and Madeleine had skipped ahead to graduate with their other halves.  I was surprised to find that they weren't sticking together after graduation.  Chip was following the rest of the Fearsome Foursome to France.  Gabriel's twins applied to the Sorbonne, and Chip applied to Le Cordon Bleu.  What would my Swan do by herself in NYC?  It made me wring my hands.

"Maman.  I'll be fine.  Who knows maybe I'll end up in France too!  I sent my application and tape there as well as backup to Julliard.  But honestly maman you and my dad's taught me the best.  I can do more than dance.  I can fight and defend myself.  I know weapons from archery to guns to knives courtesy of daddy Raven.  No one will be able to fuck with me in NYC." Clementine told me.

"That's what I'm worried about.  I won't have to bail you out of jail will I?" I asked in amusement.

"They'd have to catch me first." Clementine said with a wink.  My baby girl was so fearless.  She seemed to have no fears about going off on her own.  She's never been without her siblings but definitely not her little group of the Fearsome Foursome.

As their graduation approached everyone but Clementine had heard from their schools.  The twins were accepted at the Sorbonne and Chip at Le Cordon Bleu.  Finally, a month from graduation Clementine received the invitation to perform at Julliard for a chance to being accepted.  Luke, Gabriel, and I purchased flight tickets for ourselves and the Fearsome Foursome to NYC.  We got two hotel rooms in a swanky hotel near the school.

We signed the kids out of school early on Friday and caught our flight to NYC.  We did some sightseeing and made sure go around the area the school was in so Clementine could learn it.  Then we took them all to a nice restaurant for dinner before attending a ballet that evening.  I loved seeing the look on my daughter's face when she watched a ballet.  She lights up as bright as the sun.

The next day we went to the school where she was handed a number and stuck it on herself as we waited.  We were all nervous but she was calm and confident.  When her number was called only Luke and I were allowed inside.  We took seats and saw a table at the front where four judges were seated.  We watched our daughter walk to the center of the stage and take her place.  Her music began and this time she did a dance from Giselle and once again she followed it up with an unexpected song this time Helena by My Chemical Romance.  I was amused because the music video to this song actually does have a ballerina in it.  I crept silently until I was behind the judges.  I smiled when I saw she going to make it.  I crept back to my husband and gave him the thumbs up.  Luke grinned at me with pride and his typical mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

After her dance was done the judges thanked her and told her they would let her know.  She curtsied and smiled before gracefully leaving the stage.  We rushed out to meet her.  We all left with three of the Fearsome Foursome badgering us about whether she made it or not.  Once we were clear from the school I let them know that she was in.  Clementine broke into a grin.  We did more sightseeing and ate at many great places.  As we were returning to our hotel we received the call that she had been accepted.  We treated the Fearsome Foursome to wine to celebrate once in our rooms.  The next day we flew back to New Orleans where we celebrated with the rest of our family.

Time flew and soon the end of summer approached where we said goodbye to our beloved Fearsome Foursome.  I now had a total of six kids far from their nest.  Alexei, Finn, Clementine, Chip, Jean Pierre, and Madeleine.  Finn had graduated a year before and joined his brother in the Navy Seals.  Jules was heading into her final year of med school while Kara was heading into her final year at Tulane.  She's already been scouted by the CIA which I knew would happen.  No way would they turn away a kid whose parents are from an Agency even more secretive than theirs.  A kid who is fluent in Mandarin, Vietnamese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, and Greek.  A kid trained in all arts of fighting and weaponry.  No the CIA would be fools not to scout her.  Jules was already set for her three years of residency as she got her experience at the Academy's Charity Hospital.  She only needed three to seven years of residency to become a doctor and she was going to go for a fourth year since she had a year left of medical school anyways.  Her dad was going to happily let her join his practice as their only Pediatrician.

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