Motherland, Spooks, and Hacking

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"Mama!  Parte ton Ewan tora.  Paraviazei ti rosiki noimosyni.  Stamatiste ton protou to paratirisoun!!" Kara quickly said before disconnecting the call.

Mom!  Get Ewan now.  He's hacking Russian intelligence.  Stop him before they notice!! in Greek.

I didn't want to know where my daughter was that she had to choose Greek to not chance being understood.  I quickly jumped out of bed and saw that it was midnight as I rushed to my youngest twins room.  I burst in waking up Harrison as I stomped over to Ewan.  I didn't use my stealth at all in my anger but he didn't notice with the headset on his head.  

"What the fuck are you doing?  And stop it right now." I said as I yanked the headset off making Ewan jump.

"Mom!!  The Russians have hits out on our military!  Alexei or Finn could be in trouble." Ewan said as he stared at me with big eyes full of fear.

I began a tirade in Russian as I ran to my men while yelling at Ewan to stop what he's doing one last time.  I smacked Corey on his arm as we left for the Academy. 

"I'm proud of our son but hopefully he saves lives and not causes ours to be taken.  I think Kara is in Russia." I said all in one breath feeling stressed out.

We were in a meeting with the Academy for ours coordinating with other government agencies such as the FBI and CIA.  Where it was confirmed that our daughter is in Russia making use of her Russian so they'd let her know what to look for and to kill the project that was killing our overseas soldiers.  We sent cryptic, protected messages to our oldest sons in the Navy Seals so they'd be on alert.  We alerted the puppet on a stick in the oval office who of course ignored us as the Giant Peach always does.  He's probably too busy tweeting away from his toilet.  It was almost four in the morning by the time we got home.  

"The youngest twins are now thirteen.  I swear the moment they're eighteen we're retiring and hitting the road." I said tiredly to my loves.

"Da, agreed." Raven said.

"We'll go to Greece." Silas said dreamily and North agreed.

"To Japan." Sean said.

"To France." Gabriel said.

"To all the places best known for their cuisine." Luke said.

"We'll go everywhere." I said with a smile.

"Except my motherland." Raven said.

"Except that." I agreed.

"Maybe Bambi will go with us to Greece and meet her grandfather." Silas said.

Silas's father had moved back to Greece with his troubled brother so long ago so Alessandra has never met her biological grandfather or Uncle.  She'd likely never meet her Uncle Theo who was guilty of killing her grandmother.  Ewan silently came into the room with his twin.

"I'm sorry mom and dads.  I didn't go in intentionally but I caught something suspicious and had to follow it for my brothers.  I got copies of the evidence if you need it for the Academy." Ewan said.

"It's ok my baby.  You just have to be careful.  What you did was seen by Kara and if she could see it then they would have eventually seen it.  Since you have your father's and my skills we'll have you educated by you Aunt Karen, Uncle Wil, and Uncle Derrick so you know how to cover your own ass so that you're never seen again in the future." I told him.  

I was going to teach him myself as well as none of my men knew that I could hack that well either.  I still kept Volto's secret to this day.  I could tell that Ewan was excited about this.

"Ok Obi and Han get yourselves back to bed." Corey said.

"That's a good idea." I said as I was picked up by Raven and Corey followed us up to bed.

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