Destin Jumping, Indigenous Heritage, and Wild Life

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~*Part 1*~

Gabriel had me dress in my bikini and shorts with sneakers and for once he put my hair up.  I wondered what Nathan had planned that Gabriel would give in to my hair being up.  Whatever it was it had us leaving our home at 8 in the morning.  

"Honey, can I at least know where we're going?" I asked as we entered Alabama.

"Sure Peanut.  We're going to Destin, FL." Nathan said.

"Ooh, we haven't been there yet." I said excitedly which made Nathan chuckle.

Once we hit FL Nathan left I-10 so he could follow the Gulf as Destin is a beach town on the Gulf side of FL.  We arrived at our destination in Destin at half past 11 in the morning.  My eyes widened when I saw what we were doing.  

"Bungee jumping??" I squealed as I jumped up and down.

"Yes Peanut." Nathan said as he smiled warmly at my excitement.

A/N: I would never ever fucking do that or jump out of a plane.  I don't fuck with heights.  Intense fear.  But I think we can all agree that Miss I know how to fall would totally do this and be super excited to do it.

I grabbed Nathan's hand tightly and began dragging him towards the employees.  We paid and they set us up with the equipment and we entered an elevator of some sort that took us up high.  I made it clear that I was going first as I was so pumped to do this.  When we got up top the employee connected me to the cord and gave me instructions.  I stepped to the edge took a breath and stepped off.  I closed my eyes for a second and spread my arms wide.  I felt my stomach jump with the momentum and finally I opened my eyes.  I widened my eyes as I was dazzled by the green blue sparkling water of the Gulf.  I enjoyed the view and the adrenaline rush.  Finally I reached the end of the cord and my stomach jumped again as I snapped up.  This happened a few times before the cord finally came to a rest and then I was brought back up.  

When I was back up top the employee said they've never seem someone who calmly stepped off without any coaching nor screamed even once.  I just grinned and shrugged as I watched my honey go.  He didn't need to be coached either but he did let out a shout of surprise.  Once we were done we headed to a beach lunch spot and ate in view of the pretty water.  

"Your flip flops are in the jeep as we're going to the beach.  No way would we come out here and not hit a pretty beach." Nathan said.  

"I can see why Meanie allowed my hair to be up as it would have been all over in the fall and possibly gotten tangled in the bungee cord." I said with a shudder.

"Yes, I had to force his hand.  I showed him a video of that happening to a girl and that was all it took to convince him that your hair needed to be up." Nathan said with a laugh.

We spent a beautiful day at the beach.  We did some snorkeling and then ate more good food for dinner before making the 3 1/2 hour drive back to New Orleans. 

~*Part 2*~

"Where exactly are we going again?" I asked Kota again.

"Poverty Point.  It's so exciting!  It's a US National Monument because it's a prehistoric site of earthwork that would have been constructed by indigenous people some time between 1700 and 1100 BC.  That's right Sang BC!" Kota said excitedly.

I just stared at my ecstatic nerd and couldn't help but fall in love with him even more.

"Sang it's literally the largest and most complex work found in ALL of the North American continent and it's been right here in OUR state.  Can you believe it?" Kota said.

"That actually is pretty cool." I said.

"Do you think they'll allow us to do any archaeological digging?" Kota asked enthusiastically.

"I don't know but we'll find out." I said with a laugh.

It was a four hour ride to Poverty Point World Heritage Site so it was lunch time by the time we were almost there.  We stopped at the town closest to it for lunch and then continued to the site.  First we went to the museum which had so many artifacts from the First Nation People.  It was unbelievable to see technology they had all the way back in the BC era.  Kota was losing his nerd mind.  We even got to watch a twelve minute educational video on the site which gave us a lot of interesting information.   After the museum we walked around the actual site and it was pretty amazing the work that was done to create this site that survived all the way into our  century from the BC era.  We walked to the site and looked around.  Kota tried his hand at archaeological digging until an employee told him that wasn't allowed.  Kota got so flustered at being stopped it was adorable.  

"I just wanted to find an artifact." Kota grumbled as we continued walking.

It was a good think I work comfortable sneakers as it was about a two mile hike around the site.  We made it to Bayou Macon Overlook and it was just beautiful.

"Look at a gator" I whispered pointing down in the bayou.

Kota's eyes widened as he stared at what looked like a log initially but as it swam we could see it's entire length and tail swishing.  We took hours looking everywhere before heading home.  The entire drive home Kota couldn't stop talking about everything we saw and what we learned.  I really did love my nerd.

~*Part 3*~

"We're going to see wild life up close?" I asked excitedly from the passenger seat.

"Yes.  I knew you'd enjoy this with all the dogs you bring home." Victor said with a laugh.

It was only an hour drive to Global Wild Life Center so we got there pretty quick.  It was a huge refuge for wild animals.  We rode around in vehicles seeing giraffes, zebras, etc.  We got to feed the animals food that was approved us.  I got licked by a big cow which had me squealing and Victor laughing who caught it on video.  It was so crazy to be so up close with these wild, protected animals and I was glad to give my money to helping them.

After Victor took me home to wash the smell off and then we went to dinner where there was live entertainment.  It was one of my favorite local jazz performers Kermit Ruffins whose vocals are similar to Louis Armstrong.

"Thank you my Prince.  You know how much I love his music." I said happily.

"Yes, I do.  I enjoy it as well." Victor said.

When we were done eating we got up and danced the night away to Kermit's music.

A/N: Poverty Point World Heritage is a real place created by the First Nation people back in BC and as stated is the oldest and largest in the entire North American Continent and it's in my state.  My state does offer a lot more than just my city.  😁

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