Finding the Way

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I have finally landed in America and my word it's busy here. I now have to someone find a cab to take me to this house how am I going to find a spare taxi driver.

I finally walk to the entrance of the airport to see a taxi waiting so I go in it a say where I need to go which is a bit weird since I have never seen someone so shocked before anyway I'm ready for my journey. 

*At the house*

I walked with my hand luggage and 2 suitcases towards the door and ready to ring it.

It didn't take long for someone to open the door, a lad with brown hair and a huge smile and very energetic 'Hey I'm Amelia I'm here as the new camera girl' it took him a while to open his phone to find the picture of me 'oh I'm Sam come in we have a place for you to stay as we had in the agreement' he said, it is so weird being in these plays because you would never see it in England.

'Make yourself comfy and when ready come outside because I and the guys are going to do a hide and seek video' I just node and put my things in where they needed to go as I too am a Youtuber but yet not very well known in that community but in the filming community very well known, but I am more used for photographs for new merchandise.

I walk out into the back garden and it was great super open the guys were so happy and welcoming  one stood out mainly because of his funny hair colour and the way he is nothing is wrong with that.

But after the game I just went back to my room because it's been a long day and got dark thoughts.


Authors Note

What do you think will happen in the next chapter and who is this guy she it talking about and if you would like to have a different series please tell me as I only know some groups on Youtube not alot.

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