I'm 18

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'Oh my fucking God i'm 18 today' I said and slopped my head back on the bed until 2 girls came running in saying happy birth 'oh hey girls' they looked so happy for me turning 18 'come on lets get you changed and get you going to the mall' they said I got changed into a cute outfit grabbed my purse.

We got to the mall and got ready to do some shopping 'oh Amelia on the last two items were buying it you and I know the items you need' I thought to myself and I know what she means 'ok I got 2 things in mind I also have to get something for my little brother birthday since I sent my family tickets to come but they booked a villa out to stay and I have something in mind that he might like as well' they were confused on what I was going to get him but he is going to like it.

We shopped for a while got some new jeans, jackets, skirts, shorts, and every kind of top that looked nice. It came to the two items they were going to buy me the first one they had to lead me because I forgot where it was in the end I asked for a new camera because the one I'm using right now is like 5 years old and the next thing was a new phone and a tripod because they felt like it 'guys let me give you some money for the tripod' I said but they said no because it was my birthday.

'So I told the boys to invite certain people of people I know so don't be supurised if you don't know some people, any way how long till party starts' I asked because I didn't plan it  'it's going to be at 8 so I think we should get a maccies eat it while we get ready in her room then relax til then because they even told us not to go out the room till 8:30pm for some reason strange right' Kat said and me and Deyvn agreed.

We got back to the house with everything and all our food and bags and went straight to the room like the boy's told us to.

'They are being super secretive' it was weird to seem them like this 'well must be for a good reason anyway we should get ready right' we all agreed with Deyvn. Kat was on fashion duty I was on wrapping duty for my brothers birthday and Deyvn was on make up duty.

As we were all ready and by the way I looked good.

It was 8:30pm and we decided walk out of my room 

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It was 8:30pm and we decided walk out of my room 

'Girls where is people' they don't even know fuck 'we walked to where the kitchen is and all we heard was a big surprise from both Kat and Deyvn as well 'I thought you didn't know anything' I was in shock my two wing women lied to me that they didn't know.

I said hi to everyone and we talked for a while until a drunk Colby grabbed the microphone and made an announcement 'Yo people I would like to make an announcement for a special girl' 'what is it brock' someone shouted 'to Ameila I am happy to pronounce to everyone that we are a thing and I love you lot's I know you don't like going public with anything but I wanted to say it here without the internet knowing' he said 'you sure Colby because loads of people have their phones out' I didn't mind I just know that there is going to be loads of drama people going after me.

It came to the time where people had to go some left cards and some left gifts I thanked them all for it and they all got a taxi to go home it came to the house to stay up and have some shots even though I'm not legally allowed in America but because I ain't born in America they slid that under the rug with me drinking and it was such a good night we all decided to sleep on the couch.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now