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It had passed lunch and so far I have helped out on 2 videos even though I got 2 more to do I'm alright.

Looking through my Youtube I come across a video based on me and Aryia with the others, what the fuck went on I haven't done anything and I'm not a one to cause drama. 

I hear and bang on the door, while I cry and run to open it I see Katrina Devyn and Ayria, well this couldn't go any better, I call the others downstairs and stream my Youtube onto the TV even though they have to see my home screen.

'What the actual fuck is going on' Corey said 'I don't know I'm in my first drama thing' I was crying shook and didn't know what to do, 'I need to get some air' I walked outside and helped myself together. 

'Urgh fucking hate this, go home or stay on Youtube' why is life so fucking hard 'made a fucking embarrassment of myself' well fuck me I'm a failure, why can't LA be like Blackpool so I can't get judged.

I feel a touch on my shoulder and I turn around 'hey you alright' it's Aryia not the right moment 'sure' we both sit down near the pool 'now where is my pretty photographer' trying to cheer me up 'probably dead' he turns my face to his ', hey listen I heard what you said before you can act like whatever you want to be here and if they judge I will be there with you' my God stop cheering me up.

We both walk back into the house cheered up with a plan I let him say it as I'm really not in the mood 'hey Colby you know how you tricked your fans for having a girlfriend' Colby nodded that wasn't a nice trick.

'Well anyway let's put the joke on them by tricking them were dating' soon as he said that I turned around 'that's the plan we could never pull that off because I'm always doing something' I then see Kat stand up 'I'll help with that we have a fake party like just dress as your going to a party once a week and pose like your together, now that's easy' soon as she said that both Colby and Jake's head went down.

They all look at me waiting for an answer 'Okay I'm in but don't put me in anything uncomfortable Kat' she nodded and I don't know what the fuck is going to happen tomorrow but the odd thing is before Aryia left he gave me a hug I was so fucking confused.


Authors Note

Sorry if this one is long just wanted to make this in depth but is Aryia falling for Amelia without her knowing who knows and does Jake and Colby both have something for Amelia two well this might turn into a Love Triangle what will she do.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now