The Wait

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Kat's POV

I have been waiting here for Amelia to wake up for the past two days as the boys are still in shock I have rung them up to come to the hospital so they can see her condition and how things are going I hope they come and I hope in the future Amelia will get a job with security.

Waiting by the time for the boys to come you can still see the shock in there yes especially Colby, Aryia, and Jake I still don't know why but I'm going to let the boys alone with her for a bit as I need a break.

Colby's POV

I saw her body and the file with the condition of a coma and I hope she survives Sam already knows that she will be coming back to the house because things that happen back in England but things feel like a family now in the house.

In the future I see Amelia as an actress and I think she will suit it.

Sam's POV

'Guy's Katrina is going home today who's staying' I looked away as they were all still shy until I heard a voice 'I will' Jake said 'I will stay tomorrow night' Aryia said we all agreed and went home while Jake sat in a chair waiting for Amelia to wake up 'ring us if anything happens' he nods and sit's in the chair.

Jakes POV

I hope she waked up just God please help her through it.


Authors Note

What will happen next.

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