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I was on my window seat reading a book until I heard a knock on the door I put a baggy jumper on and open the door.

'Hey' it was Aryia I swear down I have something for him 'what do you need' he walked in 'do you want to hang out' he asked 'well I'm planning on staying in today most in my room thinking and watching Youtube' 'well we can do that'.

We sat on the window seat and relaxed until he saw the bandage 'hey what's that' he asked 'oh it's supposed to come off today' he just looked at it 'well I'll help whatever it is I will still care for you'.

We both went to the bathroom and he unwrapped it 'Amelia what are these' I looked in the mirror 'cuts fans have been telling me to go die and it got to me' I confessed I couldn't keep it in anymore I had to tell him.

He pulled me in to hug 'Amelia how about tonight I stay over here and we relax and keep you safe and we can both just talk about things' he was so nice towards me 'what will we tell the others' he thought about it 'we don't I can easily climb back in so I will walk out and come through the window' I agreed to the plan.

'Aryia we could even trick the fans as well' he turned around 'you sure'  he asked 'yes because I want to trick them' we agreed to both of the plans and we were getting ready for the night I got a few bottles of alcohol and some food but knowing us were going to get a postmates as well.

Meanwhile, he went home and waited an hour to walk back to the house.


Authors Note

What can happen next who knows because anything can happen.

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