Great Picture

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'He's going to be round any second get ready Sam's trying to find the red cups'

I got ready and I looked like this which is normal for me when I don't have the other outfits for proper parties or going out.

It was pretty awkward showing the other's the outfit because they have never seen me in something like this but if I was out with mates in England this is what I would wear

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It was pretty awkward showing the other's the outfit because they have never seen me in something like this but if I was out with mates in England this is what I would wear.

'Hey Deyvn what you doing with my camera' I was concerned 'nothing just taking the picture to upload'  I am worrying so much 'please don't drop it Deyvn you don't know how many years I saved my birthday money for it' then she put the camera strap around her.

He arrived and it's going to be super awkward because I need to keep my feeling in when drama channels get in or just cry in my room.

We took a few pictures till we got the right one 'well Devyn we have our photo' Aryia said 'to be honest from someone who got taught from her dad it's a great picture' it really was.

'So what now' Katrina said 'I don't know, but I do know I'm going to get in my baggy clothing because it's late and it doesn't make me insecure' I went to my bedroom and got my clothes on.

I walked out and went to the kitchen where everyone else was 'Hey' I said trying to be cheery as I really hate the hate 'Hey whats up' Kat said 'nothing' I don't think the girls recognise me in this 'anyway I got on old picture of what we look like in Blackpool' they looked at my phone 'whats North Face' Aryia asked 'well it's a brand we wear and Blackpool is known for gangs and chavs' they didn't understand anything.

'Anyway I'm heading off to get some sleep not in the mood to stay up'.


Authors Note I don't know where I'm going to take this character at the moment because she hasn't really said her love intrest.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now