I love You

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You may be wondering how the person is and it was Colby and you thought it was Aryia the thing is we hardly hand out after I found the thing in the woods me and Colby have been hanging out the most.

We both just looked at each other and confessed our emotions for the first time in history it was weird to talk though because I'm always doing something or I'm behind the camera or modeling.

I learnt that he never told me because he was scared 'but shouldn't we tell the others' he nodded 'but it's your birthday soon how about then remember 2 days till your 18 so why aren't you shopping' he asked 'i will go shopping on my birthday so it's more special I already asked the girls if they want to go' we nodded but it was yet again getting late.

Colby walked out my room to get ready for bed 'Colby... I love you' I said 'I love you too Amelia'.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now