A week later

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Guy's please dress nicely today were going to my baby brothers house I know where it is and they rented out a Villa before you ask.

They agreed we got the present and cards and headed into separate cars for all of us to fit in 'and one more thing no swearing he is 8 turning 9 so no swearing' they agreed to that too because they know what my brother means to me.

We arrived at the place they were staying for a week and we carried the present in as my brother was distracted we placed it in the middle in the kitchen and we hid in a bathroom all 6 of us, we heard my parents bring him in as he was in the pool messing around and heard the gasps when they all saw the gift then it was our queue to go out of the bathroom and surprise him from behind him.

I think he actually jumped out of his skin, that how bad we scraed him 'so little bro do you like your gift it is a limited addition gift and I knew this is something you love ' he hugged me so tight and gave the others hugs aswell.

It was nice to see my family after a long time from home I didn't tell them about the relationship because this day was about my brother and my brother only.

It was a great days the guys and girls acts great with no swearing and my bro enjoyed his present and cards we had to say goodbye as it was getting late and we needed to get back because we drove to where they were I will miss them thought even though they will be visiting in 2 days I will love them for ever even though I hardly talk about them.

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