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Authors Note

Before we get in during this chapter there will be 2 photos so you can see what the character will be going through.


It was the day of the party and I didn't know what was going to happen was there going to be a DJ or were they planning something special. I can't believe it starts in 2 hours where are the girls I want to know.

I walk out of my room and into the lounge after getting an energy drink I sit on the couch and start texting Katrina, she said she will be there soon with Devyn.

I greeted them in and they took my clothes upstairs to the spare room where we can get ready the only reason we used that room is that there are more space and a bigger mirror in that one than my room.

We start talking and soon getting ready I asked the girls about the second outfit but the answer was that you can only see it if you don't feel like the first one suits you.

I got into the first outfit and looked into the mirror and well it looked to much.

 Like yes this is my type of style but still too much and the girls agreed so they gave me the second outfit and it suited my body much better

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 Like yes this is my type of style but still too much and the girls agreed so they gave me the second outfit and it suited my body much better.

 Like yes this is my type of style but still too much and the girls agreed so they gave me the second outfit and it suited my body much better

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Like yes it looks a bit sluttly but I did like it I did put my famous leather jacket on but me and the girls all wore these type of outfit.

We then got downstairs and the boys asked where I was 'you do realize I'm right here right' they just didn't notice because they are used to seeing me in baggy clothing, however Jakes mouth just dropped 'hey it's rude to stare Jake' I said and he snapped out of it.

Sam came running to us saying there is no DJ 'what the fuck Sam you said there would be what do we do now' they all looked at me 'no fuck no I have no original songs I'm a cover singer 'well maybe you could impress someone' Katrina said 'how could I impress' he looked at Jake and this lad who had black and white hair 'who is he' I asked 'that Aryia you could sing one of the songs' I looked at Kat 'but my Kareoke set is in my room' I said to them ' well we will get it and you guys just relax meet you outside' Corey said and the guys went.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now