Mulholland Drive

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I and the girls started walking towards the guy Kat pointed out for me.

He turned around and saw them 'hey guys how are you and who is this one' he said well you can tell he is a singer 'this is Amelia' Kat said 'nice to meet you' wow Amelia way to sound British and not cool 'nice accent where you from' he asked  'Britain' he looked shocked because I sounded a bit American 'but whereabouts' he asked 'yea don't really want to say because of things that happen, but anyway I'm a singer on youtube and I work behind the camera for people' I said because I wanted to change the topic.

We all walked outside and ran towards the boys 'it's set up and the song is read I'm going to plug the speakers in and you will be ready' Jake said and he went to the speakers to sort it.

'Kat I can't do it, it's his song what if I sing it wrong' she looked at me 'you will be fine Amelia' both of them said, I set up the microphone to the right height and plugged the cable in the bottom, with that Jake put his thumb up for a ready sign I turned on the music and well I started to sing.

Everybody's head turned towards me and they were all shocked that someone quite as me can sing. 'Thanks' I said through the microphone and they all clapped 'sing more' someone said I don't really sing a lot because of judgment in life is horrible. So I did sing more.

'For my last song I'm singing a classic from England that always finish things with some type of bang, this song is called Sweet Coraline' to my surprise people knew it. 

I sang it great the same voice as Mulholland Drive I really need to find a way to change my voice.

In total, the night was great and made some new friends.

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