Broke In

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It was a great day and I was home alone nothing could go wrong right.

I was eating lunch and for some reason, it was pretty dark but to honest mainly because the blinds were closed because I didn't want any creepers, but for some reason, the lights went out but not my problem I love the dark.

I finished up and started to walk around the house usually I started to hear noises it's either me being a fat fuck or someone broke in, I decided to get and recorded the whole situation I looked at the dark stairs and a figure came and pushed me taking something with it.

Seeing the scars re open and me just bleeding everywhere I had to try and get my phone before blacking out because I had some glass in me 

/Phone Call/

*Sam and others in Car= SC, Ameila= A*
A: hurry up please come to the house..

SC: okay were coming Ameila us

A: yea yea....

/Phoe went out/

After that everything went black.


Authors Note

This girls life is a bit everywhere at the moment but I swear down she will get an actual job.

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